Công bố quốc tế lĩnh vực môi trường số 43-2022

Công bố quốc tế lĩnh vực môi trường số 43-2022

MTĐT –  Thứ hai, 14/11/2022 09:58 (GMT+7)

Chuyên trang Quản lý môi trường trân trọng giới thiệu tới quý độc giả Công bố quốc tế lĩnh vực môi trường số 43-2022 với những nội dung chính như sau:

Ảnh minh hoạ. ITN

Về quản lý môi trường

– Ưu tiên cung cấp thông tin nghiên cứu về ô nhiễm nhựa biển ở Đông Nam Á.

– Ảnh hưởng của Gió mùa Đông Á đến mô hình không gian-thời gian của hoạt động cúm theo mùa ở Trung Quốc.

– Mô hình động của các chính sách giảm thiểu CO2: Một bước nữa hướng tới mở rộng thế hệ sạch hơn.

– Các tuyên bố về môi trường EMAS như một công cụ đo lường trong quá trình chuyển đổi ngành công nghiệp sang nền kinh tế tuần hoàn.

– Các chỉ số bền vững trong chăm sóc sức khỏe cộng đồng: Một cách tiếp cận phân tích nhân tố.

– Các Mục tiêu Phát triển Bền vững trong các Cơ sở Giáo dục Đại học: Một đánh giá tài liệu có hệ thống.

– Môi trường Đường cong Kuznets trong phát thải carbon của ngành giao thông: Bằng chứng từ Trung Quốc.

– Kiểm tra lại hiệu quả kiểm soát ô nhiễm không khí của hệ thống buôn bán khí thải gây ô nhiễm của Trung Quốc: Bằng chứng từ cách tiếp cận suy luận nhân quả nhiều giai đoạn.

– Hướng tới sự bền vững về môi trường: Rủi ro tài chính và các xung đột bên ngoài có quan trọng không?

– Đặc điểm doanh nghiệp và các yếu tố ảnh hưởng bên ngoài của đổi mới bền vững: Dựa trên khảo sát đổi mới của Trung Quốc.

Về môi trường đô thị

– Hiệu suất của các chất độn khác nhau trong các luống nổi sinh thái được trồng với Myriophyllum aquum xử lý nước thải đô thị.

– Xác định giá trị của tro đáy lò đốt chất thải rắn đô thị (MSWIBA) thành cốt liệu liên kết nguội (CBA): Tính khả thi và ảnh hưởng của các phương pháp xử lý.

– Điều tra toàn quốc về việc sử dụng các chất kích thích thần kinh mới ở Ý thông qua phân tích nước thải đô thị.

– CO2 trong môi trường trong nhà: Từ rủi ro về môi trường và sức khỏe đến nguồn carbon tái tạo tiềm năng.

– Độ xốp của tro đáy lò đốt chất thải rắn đô thị ảnh hưởng đến hiệu suất hỗn hợp nhựa đường.

– Đo lường hiệu suất môi trường ở một đô thị Thụy Điển – Các động cơ và giai đoạn.

– Phân hủy kỵ khí phần hữu cơ của chất thải rắn đô thị bằng cách sử dụng hệ thống rắn-lỏng hai giai đoạn mới.

– Điều gì ảnh hưởng đến ý định phân loại rác của cư dân thành thị ?: Đưa các giá trị văn hóa Đạo giáo vào TPB.

– Sự thay đổi hàng năm của các nguồn đóng góp cho PM10, PM2.5, và tiềm năng oxy hóa trong khu vực nền đô thị ở trung địa trung hải.

Về môi trường khu công nghiệp

– Một chiến lược xử lý sinh học khả thi để xử lý nước thải ngành công nghiệp giấy và bột giấy và đánh giá triển vọng tạo ra sinh khối vi khuẩn dưới dạng protein tế bào đơn (SCP) bằng cách sử dụng các loài vi khuẩn bản địa.

– Xử lý bền vững nước thải nhuộm bằng cách tái chế các vật liệu sinh học vi tảo và tảo cát: Các quan điểm của nhà máy lọc sinh học.

– Hệ sinh thái công nghiệp bền vững bằng cách thiết kế: Một nghiên cứu về ngành công nghiệp điện tử và công nghệ thông tin ở Đài Loan.

– Những thách thức nào khiến hành trình hướng tới cộng sinh công nghiệp trở nên phức tạp?

– Tích hợp nguồn công nghiệp và bồn rửa môi trường theo hướng đánh giá phát thải crom ở Trung Quốc: Thông tin chi tiết từ phân tích lưu lượng chất được cải thiện

– Khử cacbon bằng nhiệt: Phân tích tiềm năng của nhiệt thải nhiệt độ thấp trong các ngành công nghiệp của Vương quốc AnhĐồng thời ổn định / hóa rắn asen trong nước thải có tính axit và quặng mỏ thiếc với geopolymer gốc chất thải rắn tổng hợp..

– Loại bỏ ô nhiễm thuốc nhuộm bằng một oxydase có nguồn gốc từ sự đột biến của Deuteromycete Myrothecium có tiềm năng cao trong các ứng dụng công nghiệp.

– Chuyển giao công nghiệp ảnh hưởng đến chất lượng môi trường như thế nào? Bằng chứng từ Trung Quốc.

Xin trân trọng giới thiệu!


1. Priorities to inform research on marine plastic pollution in Southeast Asia

Science of The Total Environment, Volume 841, 1 October 2022, 156704


Southeast Asia is considered to have some of the highest levels of marine plastic pollution in the world. It is therefore vitally important to increase our understanding of the impacts and risks of plastic pollution to marine ecosystems and the essential services they provide to support the development of mitigation measures in the region. An interdisciplinary, international network of experts (Australia, Indonesia, Ireland, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and Vietnam) set a research agenda for marine plastic pollution in the region, synthesizing current knowledge and highlighting areas for further research in Southeast Asia. Using an inductive method, 21 research questions emerged under five non-predefined key themes, grouping them according to which: (1) characterise marine plastic pollution in Southeast Asia; (2) explore its movement and fate across the region; (3) describe the biological and chemical modifications marine plastic pollution undergoes; (4) detail its environmental, social, and economic impacts; and, finally, (5) target regional policies and possible solutions. Questions relating to these research priority areas highlight the importance of better understanding the fate of marine plastic pollution, its degradation, and the impacts and risks it can generate across communities and different ecosystem services. Knowledge of these aspects will help support actions which currently suffer from transboundary problems, lack of responsibility, and inaction to tackle the issue from its point source in the region. Being profoundly affected by marine plastic pollution, Southeast Asian countries provide an opportunity to test the effectiveness of innovative and socially inclusive changes in marine plastic governance, as well as both high and low-tech solutions, which can offer insights and actionable models to the rest of the world.

2. Quantitative analysis of the concentration of nano‑carbon black originating from tire-wear particles in the road dust

Science of The Total Environment, Volume 842, 10 October 2022, 156830


Exhaust and non-exhaust particulate matter (PM) is regarded as the most significant airborne during driving. Among the source of non-exhaust PM, the tire-wear particles (TWP) can be quantified using pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC–MS). TWPs are fragmented by continuous weathering once exposed to the road. Approximately 5 wt% of carbon black (CB) bound in the rubber matrix of TWPs tends to detach from it, and thus some portion of free-bound CB could be co-existed in the road dust. Although there are existing methods for analyzing pure CB and TWPs, only few analysis techniques on the amount of free-bound CB in contaminant samples have been discovered. Herein, we propose a method for quantifying the total and free-bound CB in road dust using a combination of four analytical tools: a semi-continuous carbon analyzer, element analyzer, thermogravimetric analyzer, and Py-GC–MS. This study is the first attempt in quantifying the concentration of nano-CB derived from TWPs in road dust. The proposed methodology was applied to the samples collected from five open sites, three closed sites, and four types of air conditioner (AC) filters in passenger vehicles. Compared to the samples obtained in open sites, the road dust in the closed sites exhibited 21.5 times higher TWP content (59,747 mg/kg) and 5.1 times higher free-bound CB content (14,632 mg/kg). In addition, unintentional driver respiratory exposure to PM fixed in the vehicle filters was discovered owing to the increase in CB and TWP contents in aged AC filters.

3. A systematic review and risk matrix of plastic litter impacts on aquatic wildlife: A case study of the Mekong and Ganges River Basins

Science of The Total Environment, Volume 843, 15 October 2022, 156858


Plastic litter is a pollutant of aquatic environments worldwide, with some of the world’s highest litter densities occurring in freshwater ecosystems. Little information about the risk that plastic litter poses to aquatic wildlife is available across the world’s most polluted waterways. To help assess the risk to aquatic species where empirical data is lacking, our review presents i) a risk assessment methodology for predicting plastic litter impacts on aquatic wildlife in data poor environments, ii) a case study demonstrating this risk assessment methodology for wildlife across two heavily polluted river basins in Asia, the Mekong and Ganges River Basins; and iii) a broad review summarising common trends in litter interactions and risk to freshwater fish, aquatic birds, cetaceans and raptors. This risk analysis unites a systematic review approach with risk matrices following International Standards Organization’s risk assessment criteria, evaluating the risk of plastic entanglement and ingestion and the potential for harm to the animal. In the Mekong and Ganges River Basins, we found that the risk of litter entanglement is higher than litter ingestion. Four species were forecast to be at high risk of entanglement: Ganges River dolphin, Gharial, Mekong giant catfish and Irrawaddy dolphin. The eastern imperial eagle and greater spotted eagle were noted to be at moderate risk of entanglement. Both the Ganges River dolphin and Irrawaddy dolphin were predicted to have a moderate risk of plastic ingestion. Interestingly, cranes, waterfowl and wading birds were deemed at low or negligible risk from plastic litter. This risk matrix methodology can be applied to other waterways and taxa to assess the risk posed by plastic. It can also be readily updated as more information becomes available. This review enables decision makers to bridge a data gap by providing a tool for conservation and management before comprehensive empirical data is available.

4. The influences of the East Asian Monsoon on the spatio-temporal pattern of seasonal influenza activity in China

Science of The Total Environment, Volume 843, 15 October 2022, 157024


Previous research has extensively studied the seasonalities of human influenza infections and the effect of specific climatic factors in different regions. However, there is limited understanding of the influences of monsoons. This study applied generalized additive model with monthly surveillance data from mainland China to explore the influences of the East Asian Monsoon on the spatio-temporal pattern of seasonal influenza in China. The results suggested two influenza active periods in northern China and three active periods in southern China. The study found that the northerly advancement of East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM) influences the summer influenza spatio-temporal patterns in both southern and northern China. At the interannual scale, the north-south converse effect of EASM on influenza activity is mainly due to the converse effect of EASM on humidity and precipitation. Within the annual scale, influenza activity in southern China gradually reaches its maximum during the summer exacerbated by the northerly advancement of EASM. Furthermore, the winter epidemic in China is related to the low temperature and humidity influenced by the East Asian Winter Monsoon (EAWM). Moreover, the active period in transition season is related partially to the large rapid temperature change influenced by the transition of EAWM and EASM. Despite the delayed onset and instability, the climatic condition influenced by the East Asian Monsoon is one of the potential key drivers of influenza activity.

5. Quantifying the spatial pattern of urban heat islands and the associated cooling effect of blue–green landscapes using multisource remote sensing data

Science of The Total Environment, Volume 843, 15 October 2022, 156829


Surface urban heat islands (SUHIs) are a global concern. Although their spatial pattern and the cooling effect of blue-green landscapes have been documented, exploring more accurate and quantitative results is still necessary. For Hangzhou, we combined nighttime light (NTL) data with LST images to investigate the spatial morphology of SUHIs and analyze the cooling effect of blue–green landscapes. The radiative transfer equation (RTE) method was used to derive the land surface temperature (LST). Then, based on the unique feature of Luojia1-01 NTL data, the concentric zone model (CZM) was proposed to depict the urban spatial structure. The CZM was applied to construct a number of equal-area concentric belts along the urban-rural gradient to determine the SUHI range and the corresponding blue–green landscape cooling effects. Finally, local Moran’s I indices were adopted to identify the cold-hot spots of the SUHI and the relationship with land use. The minimum, average and maximum LSTs were 21.81 °C, 32.79 °C and 44.79 °C, respectively. Additionally, 59.16 % of the study area was affected by the SUHI, and the mean LST inside the SUHI was 36.4 °C, clearly higher than that of the rural area. The SUHI hotpots were clustered in regions with intensive human activities, forming archipelagos. Due to the different blue–green landscape densities, the cooling capacity had spatial heterogeneity in different urban rural belts (URBs), and the cooling capacity of URB16 was approximately 71 times that of URB1. The cooling efficiency increased with blue–green landscape density in general; hence, blue–green landscape density thresholds of 40 % and 70 % were recommended in the urban planning of different urban function zones. Relating the pattern of NTL data to LST images provide meaningful insight into the spatial pattern of SUHIs and the optimization of urban planning.

6. Dynamic model of CO2 reduction policies: Another step towards a cleaner generation expansion

Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 369, 1 October 2022, 133191


Cap-and-trade mechanisms and emission taxes are becoming increasingly widespread CO2 reduction policies in liberalized electricity markets. To set the design parameters of a CO2 reduction mechanism, analytical optimization frameworks are a commonly used tools by policy makers. However, such frameworks can suffer from issues related to emerging dynamic behaviors in electricity markets. This paper focuses on the relation between the parameter settings of CO2 reduction policies and dynamics of the electricity market. The authors present an analytical framework based on the system dynamics modeling that improves the understanding of the relation between the quantified impacts of CO2 reduction policies and parameter settings. The framework is based on the insight that the quantified impacts of CO2 reduction policies are attributed to the policy design, delays and mutual interactions inherent in the electricity market. The framework addresses both the quantified impacts and the rationale behind dynamic behaviors in the electricity market after implementing CO2 reduction policies. The framework is based on a causal loop diagram, illustrating the causal relation between different components within a system of electricity market. It offers policy makers a tool to assess the interactions between policy parameters and the structure of the electricity market. The framework is simulated under a power system using different scenarios of CO2 reduction policies and illustrates possible quantification of cleaner production, outperforming the base case scenario up to 63% CO2 reduction.

7. EMAS environmental statements as a measuring tool in the transition of industry towards a circular economy

Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 369, 1 October 2022, 133213


One of the European Commission’s main objectives within its Green Deal strategy is to encourage organisations to adopt a circular economy (CE). Although the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) regulation is highlighted as a tool to help firms evaluate, report and improve their advances in this direction, no studies have been found that empirically validate the usefulness of EMAS as a circularity measuring tool. To address this gap, this paper analyses the information reported in the EMAS statements and determines whether it really is useful to be able to measure the level of adoption of the circular model in companies. Content analysis and statistical methods (Kendall rank correlation coefficient and Pearson’s Chi-Square Test) are employed to provide empirical evidence from 122 companies. Results show that the information reported in the statements analysed is neither extensive enough nor provided as scalable and comparable quantitative data to be able to consider EMAS as a valid tool to measure and report the progress of companies in the transition towards a more circular model. Outcomes of the study have useful implications for policy makers and companies. Recommendations to regulators centre on establishing specific circular key performance indicators within the EMAS regulation, which would help companies transition towards a CE. Recommendations to managers include using EMAS reporting in a more comprehensive and indicator-focused way, which could help them visualise their current situation more clearly and be able to compare themselves to others more effectively, thus moving towards circularity in a more targeted way.

8. Sustainability indicators in public healthcare: A factor analysis approach

Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 370, 10 October 2022, 133253


Motivated by the increasing demand for integrated, value-based healthcare, this study proposes a valid measurement scale for sustainability in the healthcare sector. The model focuses on implementation strategies to foster social, environmental and broader economic value-based sustainability in healthcare. This unique holistic approach aligns with the UN SDGs agenda, focussing on environmental considerations and societal health and wellbeing through a multidimensional mix of leading economic, social and environmental performance indicators. Exploratory factor analysis revealed seven dimensions of the measurement scale for sustainability measured by 39 items. Confirmatory factor analysis has been used to confirm the factor structure of the study and the results indicate that the proposed measurement is valid. This measurement scale serves as the basis of a comprehensive benchmark, developed to assess sustainability-related performance in the healthcare industry. The study also explains the theoretical and practical implications of the findings, followed by the limitations and agenda for future research.

9. Sustainable Development Goals in Higher Education Institutions: A systematic literature review

Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 370, 10 October 2022, 133473


Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are important actors in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015. As agents of knowledge, HEIs maintain a critical role in contributing to a socially fair, economically viable, and environmentally protected world. This study aimed to understand how SDGs and the 2030 Agenda are being incorporated into HEIs around the world. We conducted a systematic review of the literature and analyzed experiences developed by the HEIs across different fields of activity (teaching, research, outreach, and management) related to the SDGs. Forty-five articles with empirical cases were selected from the Scopus and Web of Science (WOS) databases, and the International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD) website. Focusing on scientific production analysis, we examined the evolution of the number of publications, the countries of origin of publications, the most cited journals and articles, as well as other characteristics related to the experience of implementing SDGs reported by the institution. In addition to these analyses, a set of initiatives developed by the HEIs was systematized that can be understood as good practices for implementing the SDGs. We provide a discussion of the main barriers that hinder the integration of HEIs with sustainable development guidelines. These elements were structured in such a way to best understand the impact on the various organizational levels in universities. The results indicate the need to align strategic planning with all hierarchical levels of an institution in order to best inform higher management’s decision-making.

10. Techno-economic and environmental potential of Renewable Diesel as complementation for diesel and biodiesel in Brazil: A comprehensive review and perspectives

Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 371, 15 October 2022, 133431


The increasing global demand for energy and the environmental impacts of fossil fuels has brought attention to the need for a energy transition, and much attention has been given to biofuels. Special attention should be given to biofuels for heavy-duty vehicles since this sector contributes to a significant amount of CO2 emissions in Brazil. Biodiesel has an established and growing industry in Brazil. However, the limited production capacity and its limitations, such as low storage stability, highlight the need for exploring new biofuels with enhanced properties. In this sense, this work aims to make a case for Renewable Diesel as an alternative, representing an environmental and technical asset that should be explored in the eyes of the Brazilian Biofuel Policy (RenovaBio) to meet the environmental goals. This work explores the differences among Renewable Diesel, biodiesel, and petrodiesel properties and critically evaluates different routes of Renewable diesel conversion, its challenges, and the emissions to support decision-making toward the modernization of biofuels. Based on a measurable score, Renewable Diesel was 50% environmentally better than Diesel and presented more optimistic perspectives for the future than biodiesel, demonstrating suitability with the current market.

11. Environment Kuznets Curve in transport sector’s carbon emission: Evidence from China

Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 371, 15 October 2022, 133504


As China’s revival and modernization progress, the transport sector has received more attention in China. In China, the transport sector generates a large amount of carbon emissions, which restricts sustainable development of the economy. Due to the important position of transport sector in economic development and low carbon development, this paper aims to explore the impact of GDP on transport sector’s carbon emission of 30 provinces in China. In addition, we focus on the non-linear relationship between GDP and transport sector’s carbon emission. Further, we study the role of other economic factors in the non-linear relationship between GDP and transport sector’s carbon emission. In order to fully consider the differences of regional GDP and transport sector’s carbon emission, 30 provinces of China are divided into four groups on the basis of GDP and transport sector’s carbon emission. The analysis of whole panel data shows that there is an inverted U-shaped curve relationship between GDP and transport sector’s carbon emission. The regression results of sub-group panel data show that the impact of GDP on transport sector’s carbon emission are positive and significant. But the impacts of the economic factors affecting transport sector’s carbon emission are different in different regions. On the basis of the empirical research, we give some policy implications.

12. Re-examine the air pollution control effect of China’s pollutant emissions trading system: Evidence from a multi-period causal inference approach

Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 371, 15 October 2022, 133467


The literature ignores the characteristics of the gradual implementation of the pollutant emissions trading system (PETS) in China and lacks studies investigating whether the PETS meets the quasi-natural experimental conditions. These may lead to biased results when using the single-period difference-in-difference (DID) model to investigate the pollution control effect of PETS. Therefore, this study first investigates whether PETS satisfies the quasi-natural experimental conditions by examining the parallel trend hypothesis, randomness grouping hypothesis, and SUTVA hypothesis. Second, this study identifies the timing of PETS document issuance in different regions. This study adopts a multi-period DID model to investigate the haze pollution control effect of PETS, then employs the single-difference model, the counterfactual method, and the explained variable substitution method to test the robustness. Finally, this article further explores the persistence and heterogeneity of the haze pollution control effect of PETS. The results showed that PETS met the quasi-natural experimental conditions, and PETS effectively reduced the intensity of haze pollution by about 1.6%. The haze pollution control effect of PETS was significant between 2007 and 2011, and insignificant between 2012 and 2016. Overall, the control effect diminished over time. Second, the haze pollution control effect of PETS was heterogeneous, and the pollution control effect was greater in the pilot sites with severe haze pollution. These findings lead to a better understanding of the implementation of the PETS in China, and the conclusions are beneficial to promoting the PETS and haze pollution control.

13. Towards environmental sustainability: Do financial risk and external conflicts matter?

Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 371, 15 October 2022, 133721


The progress on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) needs constant updating and deepening to improve the design of pro-environmental policies. In this context, recent studies report various drivers of ecological footprint (EF) for better climate control; however, the impacts of financial risk (FNR) and external conflicts (EXF) on EF are not thoroughly investigated. Therefore, this research uncovers the role of financial risk and external conflicts in EF using the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) based model. To this end, some advanced time series methods including the Augmented ARDL (AARDL) and Spectral causality tests are applied for the period from 1984 to 2017 in the context of India. The empirical estimates revealed cointegration among variables of the study. The findings uncovered that reducing financial risk mitigates EF levels and stimulates environmental quality. However, limiting external conflicts does not improve the quality of the environment because the EF levels expand due to a reduction in conflicts. The empirical evidence validated the EKC accounting for both financial risks and external conflicts. Population density is found to alleviate environmental deterioration. Moreover, external conflicts and financial risks Granger cause EF. Lastly, policies are directed to limit the financial risk for reducing the EF.

14. Enterprise characteristics and external influencing factors of sustainable innovation: Based on China’s innovation survey

Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 372, 20 October 2022, 133461


This paper discusses the main driving forces that influence the sustainable innovation of enterprises based on a three-dimensional framework at the organization level, individual level and system level. Using data from China’s Innovation Survey, which is in line with the Community Innovation Survey(CIS), this paper examines the behaviours and strategies of Chinese enterprises’ sustainable innovation. The study finds that China’s sustainable and innovative enterprises are generally large-scale, are long lasting, have good profitability and invest more in R&D and environmental protection. And the sustainable innovation of state-owned enterprises is significantly more than other enterprises. The primary purpose of enterprises engaged in sustainable innovation is to reduce environmental damage, but financial constraints are still an important obstacle for enterprises to overcome to carry out sustainable innovation. In addition, enterprises with more conservative senior executives and more political connections to government do not prefer sustainable innovation. The institutional pressure exerted by external environmental regulations and the cost constraints alleviated by government environmental protection subsidies are the key factors affecting enterprises’ sustainable innovation. In conclusion, depicting the real situation of Chinese enterprises’ sustainable innovation behaviour based on the survey framework and data of systematically identifying enterprises’ innovation behaviour is beneficial to provide examples for developing countries related to sustainable innovation research.

15. Mitigating life cycle GHG emissions of roads to be built through 2030: Case study of a Chinese province

Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 319, 1 October 2022, 115512


The expansion of road networks in emerging economies such as China causes significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This development is conflicting with China’s commitment to achieve carbon neutrality. Thus, there is a need to better understand life cycle emissions of road infrastructure and opportunities to mitigate these emissions. Existing impact studies of roads in developing countries do not address recycled materials, improved pavement maintenance, or pavement-vehicle interaction and electric vehicle (EV) adoption. Combining firsthand information from Chinese road construction engineers with publicly available data, this paper estimates a comprehensive account of GHG emissions of the road pavement network to be constructed in the next ten years in the Shandong province in Northern China. Further, we estimate the potential of GHG emission reductions achievable under three scenario sets: maintenance optimization, alternative pavement material replacement, and EV adoption. Results show that the life cycle GHG emissions of highways and Class 1–4 roads to be constructed in the next 10 years amount to 147 Mt CO2-eq. Considering the use phase in our model reveals that it is the dominant stage in terms of emissions, largely due to pavement-vehicle interaction. Vehicle electrification can only moderately mitigate these emissions. Other stages, such as materials production and road maintenance and rehabilitation, contribute substantially to GHG emissions as well, highlighting the importance of optimizing the management of these stages. Surprisingly, longer, not shorter maintenance intervals, yield significant emission reductions. Another counter-intuitive finding is that thicker and more material-intensive pavement surfaces cause lower emissions overall. Taken together, optimal maintenance and rehabilitation schedules, alternative material use, and vehicle electrification provide GHG reduction potentials of 11%, 4%–16% and 2%–6%, respectively.

16. Construction and application of the knowledge graph method in management of soil pollution in contaminated sites: A case study in South China

Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 319, 1 October 2022, 115685


Contaminated sites are a main cause of urban soil problems and have led to increasing pollution and public risk in China as a result of the rapid growth of industrial and urban land use. Because land pollution involves extensive multi-source heterogeneous information, identifying the risk of urban soil pollution efficiently and predicting pollution-related events are important for urban environmental management. Knowledge graphs (KGs) have unique advantages in dealing with massive amounts of information. This study attempts to construct a KG of contaminated sites in South China to explore its feasibility and effectiveness in urban soil environmental management. The results demonstrate that KGs have a favorable effect in information retrieval, knowledge reasoning, and visualization. Studied cases in this article demonstrate that the KG model can achieve many functions, including the display of global information of polluted sites, and discovery of regional distribution of characteristic pollutants and main pollutants of specific industries, based on special query syntax. However, this approach is limited by some technical difficulties, such as knowledge mining of natural resources, which must be overcome in future studies to improve the operability of KG technologies.

17. Understanding positive contributions to sustainability. A systematic review

Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 320, 15 October 2022, 115802


Current approaches for measuring and assessing contributions of companies and their products to sustainability largely focus on reducing negative impacts. However, becoming “less bad” still means having adverse impacts on the environment. Various authors have therefore called for investigating how positive contributions can be made to further sustainable development. This systematic literature review explores how positive contributions to sustainability have been discussed in the environmental management literature dealing with sustainability performance measurement and assessment. Our review of 328 publications reveals an understanding of positive contributions to sustainability that is a mostly implicit or vague use. Inductive analysis, however, reveals three distinct understandings – an operationalization, a stakeholder and a transformation perspective – each of which is embedded in a different theoretical frame, namely decision, stakeholder and transition theory. These perspectives have so far been discussed separately in the literature. By drawing on theoretical foundations of performance measurement, we propose an integrated understanding of positive contributions to sustainability: A positive sustainability contribution has the goal of bringing about a sustainability transformation, considers the environmental, economic and social context through stakeholder participation, and is operationalized to facilitate decision-making and the implementation of effective sustainability measures. A clear definition is of key importance for both research and practice to both reduce negative and increase positive contributions to sustainable development.

18. Big events, little change: Extreme climatic events have no region-wide effect on Great Barrier Reef governance

Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 320, 15 October 2022, 115809


Extreme climatic events trigger changes in ecosystems with potential negative impacts for people. These events may provide an opportunity for environmental managers and decision-makers to improve the governance of social-ecological systems, however there is conflicting evidence regarding whether these actors are indeed able to change governance after extreme climatic events. In addition, the majority of research to date has focused on changes in specific policies or organizations after crises. A broader investigation of governance actors’ activities is needed to more fully understand whether or not crises trigger change. Here we demonstrate the use of a social network analysis of management and decision-making forums (e.g. meetings, partnerships) to reveal the effects of an extreme climatic event on governance of the Great Barrier Reef over an eight-year period. To assess potential shifts in action, we examine the topics of forums and the relative participation and influence of diverse governance actors before, during, and after two back-to-back mass coral bleaching events in 2016 and 2017. Our analysis reveals that there is little change in the topics that receive attention, and in the relative participation and influence of different actor groups in the region. Our research demonstrates that network analysis of forums is useful for analyzing whether or not actors’ activities and priorities evolve over time. Our results provide empirical evidence that governance actors struggle to leverage extreme climate events as windows of opportunity and further research is needed to identify alternative opportunities to improve governance.

19. Seemingly bounded knowledge, trust, and public acceptance: How does citizen’s environmental knowledge affect facility siting?

Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 320, 15 October 2022, 115941


Understanding the mechanism of public perception and behavior towards environmental goods provision is essential for effective sustainable governance. This paper studies how citizens’ self-reported environmental knowledge affects their trust in public service providers and subsequently their decisions about accepting the provision of a pollution management facility in their neighborhood. Utilizing unique survey data on the siting of a facility for waste incineration in Guangzhou, China, we find that the public’s perceived environmental knowledge damages their trust in the operator, which lowers their acceptance of the facility siting, while damage to their trust in the government is negligible. In addition, we find that citizens’ preferences for the type of information disclosed and the channels used for disclosure can affect public trust and thus acceptance of the facility siting. Therefore, policy suggestions for urban planning for sustainability are that the urban planner and policy maker can mitigate the negative consequences of bounded environmental knowledge by ensuring there is appropriate information disclosure. This study broadens our understanding of public recognition and acceptance of environmental goods provision and provides practical suggestions for sustainable development.


1. Performance of various fillers in ecological floating beds planted with Myriophyllum aquaticum treating municipal wastewater

Science of The Total Environment, Volume 842, 10 October 2022, 156827


The performance of different suspended fillers (zeolite, drinking water treatment residual, biochar, woodchip and stereo-elastic packing) and their combinations in treating municipal wastewater in ecological floating beds (Eco-FBs) planted with Myriophyllum aquaticum was assessed. Six sets of enhanced Eco-FBs were developed to assess the individual and synergistic effects of combinations of the various fillers and microorganisms on nutrient elimination. The results demonstrated mean TN, NH4-N, TP and COD purification efficiencies of 99.2 ± 11.2 %, 99.82 ± 16.4 %, 98.3 ± 14.3 %, and 96.1 ± 12.3 %, respectively in the Eco-FBs strengthened with all five fillers. The corresponding purification rates were 0.89 ± 0.14, 0.75 ± 0.12, 0.08 ± 0.016, and 7.05 ± 1.09 g m−2 d−1, which were 2–3 times higher than those of the conventional Eco-FB system. High-throughput sequencing showed that some genera related to nutrient transformation, including Proteobacteria (24.13–51.95 %), followed by Chloroflexi (5.64–25.01 %), Planctomycetes (8.48–14.43 %) and Acidobacteria (2.29–11.65 %), were abundantly enriched in the strengthened Eco-FBs. Enhancement of the Eco-FBs with various fillers significantly increased microbial species richness and diversity as demonstrated by Chao1, Shannon and Simpson’s indexes, particularly when all the five fillers were combined. Therefore, introducing suspended fillers into Eco-FBs is an appropriate approach for improving nutrient elimination from municipal wastewater.

2. Valorization of municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash (MSWIBA) into cold-bonded aggregates (CBAs): Feasibility and influence of curing methods

Science of The Total Environment, Volume 843, 15 October 2022, 157004


The municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash (MSWIBA) contains amounts of hazardous elements or composition, and its disposal to landfills may pose a serious threat to the ground water and soil. To reduce the environmental impact of MSWIBA, a novelty application into the utilization of MSWIBA for the manufacture of cold-bonded aggregates (CBAs) was investigated in this study. This study explored the impacts of curing systems on the comprehensive properties of CBAs. Furthermore, the hydrating phases of the designed CBAs were studied by X-ray diffractometer, and the micro characteristics of CBAs was analyzed by Scanning Electron Microscopy. The results show that CBAs produced from the MSWIBA had good properties with density of 1.75–1.98 g/cm3, moisture content of 0.78–16.48 %, water absorption of 3.99–14.02 % and compressive behavior of 1.6–4.8 MPa. Moreover, the heating water curing environment can significantly improve the comprehensive properties of CBAs. Specifically, the compressive strength of the CBAs under the 80 °C curing condition was increased by 74 %–113 %, and the water absorption rate was reduced by 3.4 %–8 %, compared with other curing regimes. Additionally, the XRD analysis showed that there are spinel phases in the CBAs compounds, which is beneficial to solidify the hazardous metals. Also, low-carbon CBAs also greatly reduce the amount of Cu and Pb leaching, which meets the limit requirements in the Chinese standards. Overall, application of MSWIBA as admixture in CBAs is an effective approach to recycle waste and replace natural aggregates. Meanwhile, this work can provide an insight for the production of eco-friendly LWAs.

3. Nationwide investigation on the use of new psychoactive substances in Italy through urban wastewater analysis

Science of The Total Environment, Volume 843, 15 October 2022, 156982


New psychoactive substances (NPS) emerged in the mid-2000s as a legal alternative to established illicit drugs. Despite the high individual and public harm associated to NPS, little is known about their real extent of use. New strategies are required to deal with the challenging monitoring of NPS, affected by the high number of substances available in the market, their rapid change and level of innovation, and their easy distribution mainly through the web. In this study, a wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) approach was applied for a nationwide monitoring of the use of eight categories of NPS in the population, including fentanyl analogues. Sixty-two biomarkers of NPS were selected following an established criterion, that included the most frequently and recently reported. A selective analytical method based on solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry was developed and validated for NPS analysis in wastewater. Composite wastewater samples (24 h) were collected in 33 Italian cities in October–November 2020 and analyzed according the validated method. Results highlighted the use of ten NPS, mainly synthetic cathinones and tryptamines, all over Italy. Methcathinone was found in all the cities and the highest mass loads corresponded to 3-methylmethcathinone with values up to 3.8 mg/day/1000 inhabitants. Low levels of fentanyl (found in 9 cities) and its main metabolite norfentanyl (11) were found whereas no fentanyl analogues were identified. As far as we know, this is the first time that the use of fentanyl and its analogues was investigated in Italy by wastewater analysis. WBE is a useful tool to rapidly evaluate emerging trends of NPS use, complementing common indicators (i.e. population surveys, seizures) and helping to establish measures for public health protection.

4. CO2 in indoor environments: From environmental and health risk to potential renewable carbon source

Science of The Total Environment, Volume 856, Part 2, 15 January 2023, 159088


In the developed world, individuals spend most of their time indoors. Poor Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) has a wide range of effects on human health. The burden of disease associated with indoor air accounts for millions of premature deaths related to exposure to Indoor Air Pollutants (IAPs). Among them, CO2 is the most common one, and is commonly used as a metric of IAQ. Indoor CO2 concentrations can be significantly higher than outdoors due to human metabolism and activities. Even in presence of ventilation, controlling the CO2 concentration below the Indoor Air Guideline Values (IAGVs) is a challenge, and many indoor environments including schools, offices and transportation exceed the recommended value of 1000 ppmv. This is often accompanied by high concentration of other pollutants, including bio-effluents such as viruses, and the importance of mitigating the transmission of airborne diseases has been highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic. On the other hand, the relatively high CO2 concentration of indoor environments presents a thermodynamic advantage for direct air capture (DAC) in comparison to atmospheric CO2 concentration. This review aims to describe the issues associated with poor IAQ, and to demonstrate the potential of indoor CO2 DAC to purify indoor air while generating a renewable carbon stream that can replace conventional carbon sources as a building block for chemical production, contributing to the circular economy.

5. Improving air quality in Guangzhou with urban green infrastructure planning: An i-Tree Eco model study

Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 369, 1 October 2022, 133372


With rapid economic development and increasing population, the urbanization process is accelerated, and serious air pollution threatens human health. Urban green infrastructure (UGI) planning has proven effective in improving air quality. However, how to improve air quality through UGI planning in different urban forms remains unclear. Therefore, based on the local climate zone (LCZ) of Guangzhou, this study used the i-Tree Eco model to evaluate the removal efficiency of air pollutants under different UGI designs. The results showed that from 2013 to 2019, the Built Type LCZ gradually replaced the Land Cover Type in Guangzhou, indicating the rapid urbanization process. The air pollution of the Built Type LCZs was more serious than that of the Land Cover Type. Roadside green space was more effective for air quality improvement when applied on a larger scale with the more addable area, while applying city park green space was an alternative at a local scale with limited area. The optimal designs of UGI varied within different LCZs. Adding street trees and shrubs by 20% in the urban expansion area was the optimal design for LCZ 6. For LCZ 4, adding 20% of city park trees in the urban expansion area and 5% of overall shrubs were optimal. This study proposed a practical approach for colligating the LCZ concept and i-Tree Eco simulation for air quality improvement.

6. Porosity of municipal solid waste incinerator bottom ash effects on asphalt mixture performance

Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 369, 1 October 2022, 133344


Dispose and utilization of municipal solid waste incinerator bottom ash (MWSIBA) is one of the imperative issues in environmental protection. The applicability of substitution for natural aggregate with MWSIBA in asphalt mixture was investigated by the performance and micro structure of asphalt mixtures with diverse porosity levels of MWSIBA (varying the replacement percentage). The effects of porosity of MWSIBA on asphalt mixture performance were captured by determination of Marshall stability, tensile strength, dynamic stability and the maximum flexural-tensile strain. The horizontal vibration extraction procedure test was implemented for the heavy metal leaching concentration to evaluate the environmental safety of MWSIBA asphalt mixture. Chemical and micro-morphologic characterization for MSWIBA were conducted to explore the mechanism of moisture damage resistance of asphalt mixture. Results indicated that porosity and replacement rate of MWSIBA exerted impacts on properties of asphalt mixture. The rutting resistance of asphalt mixture decreased due to the addition of MWSIBA, resulting in a reduction in high temperature performance. MWSIBA with porosity no less than 19% was beneficial to the improvement of moisture susceptibility and low temperature performance of asphalt mixture, while high mixing amount of MWSIBA was unfavorable to the properties of asphalt mixture. The water immersion stimulated the hydration reaction in MWSIBA, leading to the formation of C-(A)-S-H gel with strong cementation property, which enhanced the adhesion between MWSIBA and asphalt binder. MWSIBA asphalt mixture presented lower heavy metal concentration and better environmental safety than MSWIBA.

7. Environmental performance measurement in a Swedish municipality – Motives and stages

Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 370, 10 October 2022, 133502


In this paper we study the motives behind sustainability strategy implementation and how the performance measurement system (PMS) is modified during different development stages in a municipal organization. We use a case study approach and focus on one of the greenest municipalities in Europe, Växjö municipality in Sweden. With empirical results supporting the existence of several phases during the implementation process, our research offers two important contributions. First, it provides additional insight in the set of motives for the use of PMS during different development phases. Main stakeholders, politicians and managers of municipal departments and municipality owned companies, have revealed several “layers” of motives, which have shaped the development of the PMS. Second, the research also show that the PMS has a noticeable symbolic importance in promoting and communicating the green strategy to citizens and businesses in the region.

8. Anaerobic digestion of organic fraction of municipal solid waste using a novel two-stage solid-liquid system

Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 370, 10 October 2022, 133521


Organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) has high volatile solid and moisture content, which is mainly treated via anaerobic digestion (AD). Since the composition of OFMSW is complicated and inconstant, it is difficult to maintain the AD process stable and effective. In this study, a novel two-stage AD system, including a tank-type acidogenic phase and a fixed-bed methanogenic phase, was implemented for OFMSW treatment to demonstrate the feasibility of the two-stage configuration. Results showed that 84% of potential CH4 yield was achieved and the methane content reached 77.83% on average in methanogenic phase. The acetoclastic methanogens, Methanosaeta and Methanosarcina, which can participate in direct interspecies electron transfer, were the dominant genera in solid digestate and the biofilm. The hydrogenotrophic methanogens, Methanospirillum and Methanoculleus, accounted for high proportions in liquid digestate. Our study provides a novel approach to treat OFMSW with less water consumption, high stability and efficiency.

9. What influences urban residents’ intention to sort waste?: Introducing Taoist cultural values into TPB

Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 371, 15 October 2022, 133540


To accelerate green and low-carbon development and improve resource utilization efficiency, China has proposed a waste sorting policy. However, the smooth development of waste sorting is affected by the cultural values of residents. Taoist culture is a unique form of traditional Chinese culture. Studying the influence of Taoist cultural values on Chinese residents’ waste sorting behaviour is a meaningful strand of research. This study introduced Taoist cultural values into planned behaviour theory to expand the framework to explore the influencing factors of waste sorting in China. This study used structural equation model (SEM) to investigate the waste sorting behaviour of 655 residents in Tangshan, China. The main hypotheses of this paper are that attitude, subjective norms, perceived behaviour control, and Taoist cultural values can directly affect residents’ behavioural intention to actively sort waste and that Taoist cultural values indirectly affect residents’ behavioural intentions by affecting residents’ psychological factors. Notably, the study confirmed that perceived behaviour control and behavioural intention can affect residents’ waste sorting behaviour positively and significantly. Thus, the findings of this study suggest changing residents’ waste sorting behaviour by emphasizing Taoist cultural values. To achieve this objective, we suggest that the government build a platform to guide and publicize Taoist cultural values, publicize the harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, and increase environmental protection awareness in the Chinese people. Finally, the study shows that an extended theory of planned behaviour (TPB) is suitable for research on residents’ waste sorting behaviour.

10. Temporary building construction to make cities more sustainable: An innovative “Square Box” proposal

Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 372, 20 October 2022, 133657


The so-called temporary architecture has become an instrument to respond to the needs of citizens, often changing within the contemporary reality. The analysis of the state of the art has underlined a growing interest of the scientific community toward these structures, especially in terms of sustainability and containment of the carbon footprint. Therefore, in this article a methodology has been illustrated to realize a temporary building called “Square Box”, that is a modular box-like element able to contain other component elements which, according to deployment maneuvers, can allow the easy increase of the surfaces for the sale. The element, as it was conceived, is part of the “closed cycle” construction systems, in which the uniqueness of the model allows to optimize a possible industrialization process. The approach starts from the analysis of the state of the art to identify the design criteria to be adopted in the development of the innovative temporary module and to determine the search gap. After, there is the design and prototyping of the Square Box. Finally, Life Cycle Assessment provided for a quantitative assessment on greenhouse gas emissions following the ISO 14040–14044 standards. The methodology also provides for monitoring but this last phase is undergoing and it will be explained in a future article. The main conclusions are that numerous benefits are offered by the temporary structures designed according to the criteria followed in the Square Box concept, in terms of reducing construction times on site, impacts on the environment as well as stimulating the recycling and reuse of the materials used in a circular economy perspective aimed at extending the life cycle of temporary structures.

11. Cigarette butts in two urban areas from Brazil: Links among environmental impacts, demography and market

Environmental Research, Volume 213, October 2022, 113730


Environmental impacts are currently linked to smoking cigarette behavior, as cigarette butts (CBs) represent the most common litter item in natural areas. Despite this, even the best ranked Brazilian cities, in terms of urban cleaning, have no information about urban littered CBs. Thus, CBs were monitored in Santos and Niterói cities, aiming to assess contamination, Cigarette Butt Pollution Index (CBPI) and the illegal market size. CBs were collected in 36 walkways considering different land usage types and urban density levels. The CBPI was calculated, and brands were used to identify the size of the illegal market. CBs contamination in Santos (0.25 CBs/m2) was three times higher than Niterói (0.08 CBs/m2) and their occurrence and distribution presented no relationship with land usage types and urban population densities levels. CBPI = 17.6 was severe and the highest so far reported. A total of 28 cigarette brands were found both studied cities. Further, illegal cigarette consumption in Santos and Niteroi was estimated, based on brands of collected CBs, at 25.2% and 36.8%, respectively. Such data may be valuable for implementation of logistic reverse actions seeking to environmentally sustainable and socially resilient cities. Cigarette consumption threatens human life and the environment, and tobacco companies should be accountable for the pollution they generate.

12. Denitrification performance and characteristics of untreated corncob for enhanced nitrogen removal of municipal sewage with low C/N ratio

Environmental Research, Volume 213, October 2022, 113673


Unpretreated corncob was applied in denitrification bio-filter (DNBF) and anoxic tank of AAO system, respectively, to treat sewage with low C/N ratio, and both two approaches achieved good denitrification performance. Although shorter HRT could effectively decrease effluent chroma and COD of corncob-DNBF, nitrogen removal efficiency declined unexpectedly. Higher internal reflux ratio was beneficial for corncob-AAO without damage to anoxic environment for denitrification, while there was no risk of effluent chroma and excessive COD. Different supplement modes could realize same denitrification effect with distinct advantages, which were higher specific denitrification rate and biomass amount, respectively. The latter mode, applying corncob at secondary treatment, was preferable for its operational stability and convenience. Stoichiometry analysis indicated the unit COD demand of AAO decreased from 5.70 to 5.04 g COD/g N after adding corncob, and the oxygen demand (or energy consumption of aeration) decreased as well. The dominant substrates decomposer in corncob-AAO altered to Kouleothrix (affiliated to phylum Chloroflexi), and the main denitrifying bacteria were unclassified_f_Methylophilaceae and Azospira. Accordingly, functional enzymes for degrading glucan, xylan and lignin and processing denitrification showed satisfying abundance in the integrated system, especially in the newly formed biofilm.

13. Market incentives, carbon quota allocation and carbon emission reduction: Evidence from China’s carbon trading pilot policy

Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 319, 1 October 2022, 115650


As a major carbon dioxide-emitting country, China set carbon trading market to reduce enterprise carbon emissions through the rational allocation of carbon quotas among different enterprises and regions. The market has also conducted a preliminary exploration for the country to achieve carbon dioxide emissions peak in 2030 and carbon neutrality in 2060 while actively addressing the challenges of global climate change. This study analysed the emission reduction effect of China’s carbon trading pilot policy, especially the role of carbon quota and carbon trading price. The analysis used county-level panel data from 1997 to 2017, regarded the implementation of the carbon trading pilot policy as a quasi-natural experiment, and used the difference-in-differences method. The results showed that, first, the policy implementation not only reduced regional carbon emissions but also inhibited carbon dioxide emissions per capita, with long-term effects. Second, the carbon emission reduction effect brought by the carbon pilot policy showed significant heterogeneous results with the different degrees of regional carbon emissions and environmental supervision. The effect was greater in areas with higher carbon emission density and stronger legal supervision. Third, the difference in carbon quota allocations resulted in different emission reduction effects, among which the historical method had the strongest effect. The carbon quota price and number of enterprises participating carbon trading market were the key factors affecting carbon emission reduction.

14. Inter-annual variability of source contributions to PM10, PM2.5, and oxidative potential in an urban background site in the central mediterranean

Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 319, 1 October 2022, 115752


Airborne particulate matter (PM) is studied because of its effects on human health and climate change. PM long-term characterisation allows identifying trends and evaluating the outcomes of environmental protection policies. This work is aimed to study the inter-annual variability of PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations and chemical composition in an urban background site (Italy). A dataset of daily PM2.5 and PM10 was collected in the period 2016–2017, including the content of OC, EC, major water-soluble ions, main metals, and compared to a similar dataset collected in the period 2013–2014. Oxidative potential using DTT assay (dithiothreitol) was evaluated and expressed in DTTV as 0.39 nmol/min·m3 in PM10 and 0.29 in PM2.5 nmol/min·m3. PM source apportionment was computed using the EPA PMF5.0 model and source contributions compared with those of a previous dataset collected between 2013 and 2014. Multi linear regression analysis identified which source contributed (p < 0.05) to the oxidative potential of each size fraction. Inter-annual trends were more evident on PM2.5 with reductions of biomass burning contribution and increases in traffic contribution in the 2016–2017 period. Crustal contributions were similar for the two periods, in both size fractions. Carbonates were comparable in PM10 with a slight increase in PM2.5. Sea spray decreased in PM10. The DTTV of PM2.5 peaked during cold periods, while, the DTTV of the PM10-2.5 fraction peaked in summer, suggesting that different sources, with different seasonality, influence OP in the PM2.5 and PM10-2.5 fractions. Analysis showed that sea spray, crustal, and carbonates sources contribute ∼13.6% to DTTV in PM2.5 and ∼62.4% to DTTV in PM10-2.5. Combustion sources (biomass burning and traffic) contribute to the majority of DTTV (50.6%) in PM2.5 and contribute for ∼26% to DTTV in PM10-2.5. Secondary nitrate contributes to DTTV in both fine and coarse fraction; secondary sulphate contribute to DTTV in PM2.5 with negligible contributions to DTTV in PM10-2.5.

15. Spatial correlation network structure of China’s building carbon emissions and its driving factors: A social network analysis method

Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 320, 15 October 2022, 115808


Clarifying the spatial association network of provincial building carbon emissions and its influential drivers is profoundly significant for transregional collaborative emission reduction and regionally-coordinated development. This study adopts the social network analysis method to investigate the network structure characteristics of carbon emissions in the building sector based on China’s provincial-level evidence from 2000 to 2018. Then, the quadratic assignment procedure is further utilized to examine the driving factors. The results demonstrate that building carbon emissions in China take the form of a network structure. From 2000 to 2018, the relevance and stability of the spatial associations gradually strengthened. Shanghai, Jiangsu, Tianjin, Beijing and Zhejiang are in the center of the spatial association network and play a vital part in the network. The network of carbon emissions in the building sector can be classified into four plates: the main inflow plate, main outflow plate, bidirectional spillover plate and agent plate. Geographical adjacency, economic development level, energy intensity and industrial structure are significantly correlated with building carbon emissions. The urbanization level has no significant influence on the spatial correlations of building carbon emissions. This study is conducive to formulating energy conservation policies and promoting transregional collaborative emission reductions.


1. Scavenging gulls are biovectors of mercury from industrial wastes in Nova Scotia, Canada

Chemosphere, Volume 304, October 2022, 135279


Seabirds are important biovectors of contaminants, like mercury, moving them from marine to terrestrial environments around breeding colonies. This transfer of materials can have marked impacts on receiving environments and biota. Less is known about biotransport of contaminants by generalist seabirds that exploit anthropogenic wastes compared to other seabird species. In this study, we measured total mercury (THg) in O-horizon soils at four herring gull (Larus smithsoniansus) breeding colonies in southern Nova Scotia, Canada. At colonies with dry substrate, THg was significantly higher in soils collected from gull colonies compared to nearby reference soils with no nesting gulls. Further, THg was distinct in soils among study colonies and was likely influenced by biotransport from other nesting seabird species, most notably Leach’s storm-petrels (Hydrobates leucorhous). Our research suggests gulls that scavenge on anthropogenic wastes at local industrial sites are biovectors moving THg acquired at these sites to their colonies and may increase the spatial footprint of contaminants from these industries.

2. A viable bioremediation strategy for treating paper and pulp industry effluents and assessing the prospect of resulted bacterial biomass as single cell protein (SCP) using indigenous bacterial species

Chemosphere, Volume 304, October 2022, 135246


Aim of this research was to treat the organics enriched Paper and Pulp Industry (PPI) effluents using multi-metal tolerant predominant indigenous bacterial species. In addition, assessing the potential of treated bacterial biomass as a single cell protein (SCP). The multi-metal tolerant Streptomyces tuirus OS1 was enumerated from the Paper and Pulp Industry (PPI) effluents was identified through standard molecular characterization. S. tuirus OS1 proficiently ameliorated organic contaminants in PPI effluent in the in study at 35 °C, 45 °C, and 25 °C. Fortunately, the S. tuirus OS1 considerably increased the dissolved oxygen level in treated PPI effluent in 30 days of bioremediation process. Interestingly, at 35 °C of bioremediation process the S. tuirus OS1 demonstrated increased dried biomass (7.1 g L−1) with the total crude protein (SCP) as 5.3 g L−1 (78.79%) in 30 days of bioremediation process. These findings suggest that S. tuirus OS1 is capable of reducing organic pollutants in PPI effluents and producing biomass with enriched protein content.

3. Sustainable treatment of dye wastewater by recycling microalgal and diatom biogenic materials: Biorefinery perspectives

Chemosphere, Volume 305, October 2022, 135371


Discharge of untreated or partially treated toxic dyes containing wastewater from textile industries into water streams is hazardous for environment. The use of heavy metal(s) rich dyes, which are chemically active in azo and sulfur content(s) has been tremendously increasing in last two decades. Conventional physical and chemical treatment processes help to eliminate the dyes from textile wastewater but generates the secondary pollutants which create an additional environmental problem. Microalgae especially the diatoms are promising candidate for dye remediation from textile wastewater. Nanoporous diatoms frustules doped with nanocomposites increase the wastewater remediation efficiency due to their adsorption properties. On the other hand, microalgae with photosynthetic microbial fuel cell have shown significant results in being efficient, cost effective and suitable for large scale phycoremediation. This integrated system has also capability to enhance lipid and carotenoids biosynthesis in microalgae while simultaneously generating the bioelectricity. The present review highlights the textile industry wastewater treatment by live and dead diatoms as well as microalgae such as Chlorella, Scenedesmus, Desmodesmus sp. etc. This review engrosses applicability of diatoms and microalgae as an alternative way of conventional dye removal techniques with techno-economic aspects.

4. Achieving sustainable industrial ecosystems by design: A study of the ICT and electronics industry in Taiwan

Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 369, 1 October 2022, 133393


The environmental and economic aspects of sustainability have been the most common subjects in the manufacturing industry, while the social one tends to be neglected. The process of semistructured interviews is conducted with design practitioners in the computer, communication, and consumer electronics industry in Taiwan to comprehend how the participating companies can move from a business-as-usual model to a more sustainable business by design. Results show that ecodesign and design for circular economy are commonly applied as sustainable design strategies, highlighting the concept of dematerialization. The three pragmatic tools applied alongside for balancing the three pillars of sustainability are life cycle thinking, design thinking, and business model tools. To achieve sustainable industrial ecosystems, three key actors, namely, a driver, a facilitator, and a supporter, play an important role to create stakeholder engagement and supply chain collaboration. Hence, the companies must tackle major challenges related to organizational culture, social reputation and communication, resource availability, service at the end of life, and effective waste treatment. Relying solely on product level for sustainability is insufficient; the companies need to tap into socio-technical systems by creating new partnerships, supporting multidisciplinary teams, embracing new markets, integrating emerging technologies for social sustainability, and promoting innovative and social inclusive thinking.

5. What are the challenges that make the journey towards industrial symbiosis complicated?

Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 370, 10 October 2022, 133384


Industrial symbiosis (IS) is an emerging approach that deals with the cooperative sharing of various firms’ resources (e.g., energy, wastes, materials by-products) and helps achieve sustainability in the supply chain. The journey towards industrial symbiosis (IS) requires firms to change from conventional linear business models to circular business models. However, transforming to circular business models is complex; several interrelated challenges hinder the journey towards IS. Therefore, the goal of this study is to model the challenges to IS in an emerging economy context. The decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) technique has been utilized in order to accomplish this goal. Findings reveal that, the organizational challenges are most significant in the journey towards IS. Furthermore, the findings help practitioners implement policies through understanding the causal relationships among the addressed challenges.

6. Multi-objective coordinated development paths for China’s steel industry chain based on “water-energy-economy” dependence

Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 370, 10 October 2022, 133421


The water-energy crisis seriously affects the sustainable development of China’s steel industry chain. To achieve a coordinated development new path from the perspective of circular economy, it is necessary to analyze “water-energy-economy” dependency relationship of the steel products. This study analyzes a variety of steel products from the perspective of industry chain and simulates the “water-energy-economy” potential changes of products under different scenarios by developing a multi-objective optimization model. In this model, Random Forest (RF) and GEne Network Inference with Ensemble of trees (GEINIE3) algorithms are combined to evaluate the 2013–2019 “water-energy-economy” dependency relationships firstly. Then, improved Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization (QPSO) algorithm is applied to dynamically simulate potential changes of water, energy and economic performance in the steel industry chain under different scenarios, and to design an optimal development path from the perspective of optimizing economic performance within minimum water and minimum energy use constraints. Results firstly point out the current “water-energy-economy” triple dimension dependency relationship of China’s steel industry is weak. Secondly, the “water-economy” dependence has changed from one-way dependence to two-way dependence, and the “energy-economy” relationship still shows a one-way dependence. Finally, when improving resource utilization rate, assigning priority to the reuse of scrap steel, while restricting pig iron and primary steel use, may help maximize the coordinated development of “water-energy-economy” in the steel industry chain. Policy implications are proposed based on the results and provided decision-making basis for the country and relevant enterprises to promote sustainable development of the steel industry chain.

7. Integrating industrial source and environmental sink towards chromium emission evaluation in China: Insights from the improved substance flow analysis

Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 371, 15 October 2022, 133628


The ubiquitous distributions of chromium (Cr) in environments pose threats to the health of human and ecosystem. The global output and consumption of Cr is extremely high and continuously growing, leading to cross-regional transportation and pollution via global trade. The present study identified the relationship between industrial sources and environmental sinks using the improved substance flow analysis. China, as the largest producer and consumer of Cr products, contains complete Cr related industries. Therefore, the Cr flow from Chinese eight key industrial sectors to environments in 2020 was illustrated in the research. Emission accounted for approximately 12.9%–21.8% of the flow, with the amount of 164 t in waste gas, 5.37 × 104-1.01 × 105 t in wastewater, 6.38 × 105-9.49 × 105 t in solid waste. Thereinto, ferrochromium manufacturing contributed 82.2%–85.4% to total wastes, and 1.52 × 104-2.53 × 104 t of Cr was evaluated to enter the soil accordingly. Owing to strict control for industrial wastewater and hazardous solid waste, treatment of general solid waste has become the primary pathway of Cr into the soil, contributing 77.8%–89.6%. National ferrochromium, stainless steel and refractory manufacturing contributed more effects on the soil, occupying 93.5%. Management and control of Cr in soil in China was later than other countries, such as America, Netherlands, Japan, Germany, and South Korea. However, China has issued a series of laws, regulations, action plans and standards in past decades to restrict emitter and promote industrial upgrading, which would gradually control Cr pollution and reduce the impact of industrial Cr consumption on the environment.

8. Decarbonisation of heat: Analysis of the potential of low temperature waste heat in UK industries

Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 372, 20 October 2022, 133759


The UK will need to decarbonise low temperature industrial waste heat (up to ≈250 °C) to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emission targets. Industrial waste heat production represents an opportunity for reduction in the use of primary fuels used in the production of commodities. Energy inefficient processes in addition to increased emissions raises the cost of plant operation, – an undesirable scenario for both industrial competitiveness and the environment. Less is known about the quantity and potential applications for recovered low temperature industrial waste heat in UK and the quantification and characterisation of the resource can provide the needed impetus for the development and adoption of green technologies to help achieve the 2050 Net-Zero target. In this work the potential magnitude of the low temperature industrial waste heat resource in the UK is analysed by using sector-level energy intensity values for different industries while drawing on corresponding estimates from previous studies in the USA and by closely mapping the UK Standard Industrial Classification (SIC 2007) against sectors in the USA (NAICS [North American Industry Classification System]). The assessment undertaken finds that the recoverable potential of low temperature waste heat up to ≈250 °C could be up to 83.7% of the total estimated waste heat potential in UK industry. Significant opportunities exist in this low temperature range for waste heat recovery actions at individual sites. Research and Development (R&D) into alternative improved methods for waste heat recovery, storage, and use (WHRSU) technologies could also produce significant positive environmental and industrial impact

9. Dynamic simulation of industrial synergy optimisation pathways in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region driven by water environment improvements

Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 320, 15 October 2022, 115753


China is promoting the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region as a national strategy project; however, water scarcity and water quality problems will become a bottleneck restricting high-quality development. This study aimed to explore a feasible industrial synergy optimisation pathway to realise the collaborative development of economic growth and water environment improvement, combined with incentives for environmental efficiency improvement and reclaimed water utilisation. Research methods integrate input-output modelling, system dynamics, and multi-objective programming to construct a complex multi-region model. A dynamic simulation measure was adopted to simulate the economic and environmental impacts of different approaches that mix from 2020 to 2030 under water resource environment constraints. According to the simulation results, the annual economic growth rate of the entire region can exceed 6.1%, and the emission intensities of water pollutants decrease by more than 60.0%. In addition, traditional manufacturing industries that achieve cross-regional synergy can still release location advantages without negative environmental impacts. Furthermore, regional collaborative development optimises the allocation of water resources and alleviates water stress. Moreover, the pollutant emission reduction effect of source control in Hebei was more effective than in other cities. Finally, reclaimed water, as the end treatment measure, has the largest marginal effect on improving the trade-off between economic and environmental improvement in the long run. This study provides a new approach for multi-regional industrial synergy development and optimal allocation of resources and contributes to the high-quality development of the watershed.

10. Simultaneous stabilization/solidification of arsenic in acidic wastewater and tin mine tailings with synthetic multiple solid waste base geopolymer

Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 320, 15 October 2022, 115783


Stabilization/Solidification (S/S) is considered as a feasible technology for the treatment of arsenic (As) in acidic wastewater (AW) and tin mine tailings (TMTs); however, high cost, high carbon footprint, and strict reaction conditions are the main limitations. Herein, a novel alkali-activated geopolymer material (AAGM) for S/S As was synthesized by combining AW, TMT, gypsum (GP), and metakaolin (MK). At room temperature, an initial As concentration of 3914 mg/L, a NaOH content of 4.98%, and an MK content of 20% decreased the As leaching concentration to 1.55 mg/L (<5 mg/L). The main S/S mechanisms of As included physical encapsulation of C-(A)-S-H and geopolymer structures, ion exchange of ettringite, and formation of Fe–As and Ca–As precipitates. Further studies showed that increasing initial As concentration and MK content facilitated the formation of Ca–As precipitates and C–(A)–S–H gels. The semi-dynamic leaching tests revealed that the leaching mechanism of As was surface wash-off. The effective diffusion coefficients of the samples were less than 10−13 cm2/s, and the respective leachability indexes were greater than 9, indicating that AAGM was effective in preventing the leaching of As. Therefore, this study provides a green and low cost solution for the synergistic utilization of AW, TMT, GP, and MK.

11. Removal of dye pollution by an oxidase derived from mutagenesis of the Deuteromycete Myrothecium with high potential in industrial applications

Environmental Pollution, Volume 310, 1 October 2022, 119726


It is estimated that over 700,000 tons of synthetic dyes are produced annually, 15% of which are emitted as effluents. These highly stable dyes enter the world water ecosystems and stay in the environment, and eventually cause adverse impacts to the environment. Current wastewater treatment methods, such as filtration, coagulation, and chemical oxidation, have sideeffects, including toxic residue formation, membrane fouling, bioaccumulation, and secondary pollutant formation. Given the issues mentioned, it is necessary to study how to improve the degradation of synthetic dye with a cost-effective and ecofriendly approach. Natural oxidation provides a greener option. Recently, Deuteromycetes fungus Myrothecium verrucaria G-1 (M. verrucaria G-1) has shown great potential in producing high level of dye oxidase. This study aims to generate a dye oxidase hyperproducer, 3H6 from M. verrucaria G-1 by using atmospheric and room temperature plasma (ARTP) coupled with ultraviolet (UV) irradiation. This method increases oxidase production by nearly 106.15%. After a simple precipitation and dialysis, this mutant oxidase increases by 1.97-fold in a specific activity with dye degradation rates at 70% for Mmethylene blue (MB) and 85% for Congo red (CR). It is found that the genetic stability of 3H6 remains active for ten generations. The size of oxidase is 65 kDa, and optimum temperature for reaction is 30 °C with 4.5 pH. This study presents that the first combined mutagenesis approach by ARPT-UV on fungus species generates an impressive increment of acid dye oxidases production. As such, this method presents a cost-effective alternative to mitigate hazardous dye pollution.

12. How does industrial transfer affect environmental quality? Evidence from China

Journal of Asian Economics, Volume 82, October 2022, 101530


Rapid industrialization has made China one of the largest pollutant emitters worldwide. The transfer of heavily-polluted industries has become urgent because of environmental problems. Some manufacturing industries, incredibly energy-intensive and pollution-intensive, have been transferred to less-developed areas for lower labor and land costs. In turn, the industrial transfer would also deteriorate the ecological quality of those areas. Along these lines, it is pivotal to examine the two-way interactions from industrial transfer and environmental quality. This paper collected panel data of 30 Chinese provinces from 2000 to 2015, using the GS3SLS method to find the interactive relationship for industrial transfer and environmental quality. The findings show that industrial transfer and environmental quality both have interactive as well as spatial spillover effects on each other significantly. Study results suggest that the industrial transfer of different provinces needs to consider the coordinated development of the whole area. It is recommended to formulate an inter-regional industrial transfer strategy to protect the environment.

13. Review on carbon-based adsorbents from organic feedstocks for removal of organic contaminants from oil and gas industry process water: Production, adsorption performance and research gaps

Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 320, 15 October 2022, 115739


Large amounts of process water with considerable concentrations of recalcitrant organic contaminants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs), phenolic compounds (PCs), and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX), are generated by several segments of oil and gas industries. These segments include refineries, hydraulic fracturing (HF), and produced waters from the extraction of shale gas (SGPW), coalbed methane (CBMPW) and oil sands (OSPW). In fact, the concentration of PCs and PAHs in process water from refinery can reach 855 and 742 mg L−1, respectively. SGPW can contain BTEX at concentrations as high as 778 mg L−1. Adsorption can effectively target those organic compounds for the remediation of the process water by applying carbon-based adsorbents generated from organic feedstocks. Such organic feedstocks usually come from organic waste materials that would otherwise be conventionally disposed of. The objective of this review paper is to cover the scientific progress in the studies of carbon-based adsorbents from organic feedstocks that were successfully applied for the removal of organic contaminants PAHs, PCs, and BTEX. The contributions of this review paper include the important aspects of (i) production and characterization of carbon-based adsorbents to enhance the efficiency of organic contaminant adsorption, (ii) adsorption properties and mechanisms associated with the engineered adsorbent and expected for certain pollutants, and (iii) research gaps in the field, which could be a guidance for future studies. In terms of production and characterization of materials, standalone pyrolysis or hybrid procedures (pyrolysis associated with chemical activation methods) are the most applied techniques, yielding high surface area and other surface properties that are crucial to the adsorption of organic contaminants. The adsorption of organic compounds on carbonaceous materials performed well at wide range of pH and temperatures and this is desirable considering the pH of process waters. The mechanisms are frequently pore filling, hydrogen bonding, π−π, hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions, and same precursor material can present more than one adsorption mechanism, which can be beneficial to target more than one organic contaminant. Research gaps include the evaluation of engineered adsorbents in terms of competitive adsorption, application of adsorbents in oil and gas industry process water, adsorbent regeneration and reuse studies, and pilot or full-scale applications.

14. Sustainable corporate governance for environmental innovation: A configurational analysis on board capital, CEO power and ownership structure

Journal of Business Research, Volume 149, October 2022, Pages 786-794


CEOs, boards of directors, and owners are believed to be important actors in affecting environmental innovation. Yet, there is a lack of combined view on the three actors in the literature. This study aims to explore the sources of environmental innovation from the perspective of corporate governance bundles. Considering the interdependent nature of the three, this study proposes a configurational model consisting of CEO (formal and informal) power, board capital (breadth and depth), and ownership (institutional and insider). We undertake a qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) on a sample of 250 dirty firms and discover six sufficient configurations for high environmental innovation. These configurations suggest that there are multiple paths for achieving high environmental innovation. Furthermore, both powerful and weak CEOs can be environmental innovation facilitators if they are accompanied by suitable board archetypes and ownership structure.

15. GI multisociety strategic plan on environmental sustainability

Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Available online 18 October 2022

Multisociety strategic plan

It is clear that the evolving climate crisis, with its deleterious effects on planetary ecosystems, also poses harm to the health of humankind.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Human activity has brought about changes that not only affect the climate but also other earth systems, including biodiversity, freshwater use, land use, and nitrogen flows, which already compromise the well-being of our generation and may have negative ramifications for future generations.6 It is imperative that we prevent further destruction of our ecosystems and modify detrimental behaviors to prevent escalation. This is true for the practice of medicine in general and our field of gastroenterology and hepatology in particular. With this in mind, the leadership of 4 major GI (see Table 1 for glossary of terms) societies in the United States-American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD), American College of Gastroenterology (ACG), American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), and American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE)-came together and established a task force to develop a joint strategic plan that our societies can adopt to mitigate the effects of climate change on digestive health and healthcare systems and to decrease the environmental impact of GI practice.

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