Công bố quốc tế lĩnh vực môi trường số 39-2022
Công bố quốc tế lĩnh vực môi trường số 39-2022
Trân trọng giới thiệu tới quý độc giả Công bố quốc tế lĩnh vực môi trường số 39-2022 với những nội dung sau:
Về quản lý môi trường
– Đặc điểm của các chất cacbon thải ra từ quá trình đốt nhiên liệu rắn trong khu dân cư sử dụng dữ liệu thực tế từ khu vực Bắc Kinh-Thiên Tân-Hà Bắc.
– Quản lý thích ứng các thách thức môi trường ở các đầm phá ven biển Tây Phi.
– Hoạt động môi trường và phát triển con người vì sự bền vững: Hướng tới Chỉ số con người về môi trường mới.
– Dòng thải của khăn ướt và cơ chế ra quyết định đối với hành vi vứt bỏ của người tiêu dùng.
– Hiệu quả kinh tế và môi trường của việc kết hợp các quy trình dựa trên Fenton vào các hệ thống quản lý bùn truyền thống.
– Phân tích mối quan hệ nguyên nhân và kết quả giữa các động lực và rào cản đối với việc thực hiện kinh tế tuần hoàn trong bối cảnh nền kinh tế mới nổi.
– Các chính sách của chính phủ ảnh hưởng đến việc phổ biến đổi mới xanh giữa các doanh nghiệp ngang hàng như thế nào? – Một mô hình trò chơi tiến hóa trong các mạng phức tạp.
– Phân tích nội dung quan trọng của tài liệu phát triển nhà cung cấp bền vững và các hướng nghiên cứu trong tương lai.
– Tác động của tài chính xanh đối với đổi mới xanh: Quan điểm không gian và phi tuyến.
Về môi trường đô thị
– Sự phóng thích và các yếu tố ảnh hưởng của vi nhựa trong các lưu vực đô thị hóa: Một nghiên cứu điển hình về khu vực trung tâm của thành phố Tô Châu.
– Tác động tổng hợp của tăng trưởng GDP, công nghiệp hóa, sử dụng năng lượng và đô thị hóa đối với phát thải CO2 ở các nước đang phát triển: Bằng chứng từ phương pháp tiếp cận ARDL của nhóm nghiên cứu.
– So sánh giữa phép đo gốc OH trong bầu khí quyển phức tạp ở Thành Đô, Trung Quốc.
– Đặc điểm vật lý và hóa học của bụi bẩn đô thị: Ảnh hưởng đến hệ số hấp thụ NO2 và các hợp chất sản phẩm chứa N.
– Ô nhiễm bụi khí quyển vi nhựa trong môi trường đô thị: Bằng chứng từ các loại, sự phân bố và các nguồn có thể xảy ra ở Bắc Kinh, Trung Quốc.
– Đánh giá rủi ro môi trường của benzotriazole phân tử thấp trong nước mưa đường đô thị ở Ba Lan.
– Đánh giá có hệ thống về giảm thiểu biến đổi khí hậu cấp thành phố và cải thiện chất lượng không khí ở Trung Quốc.
– Tác động từ sự phát triển của thành phần đội xe cá nhân đối với lượng khí thải liên quan đến giao thông trong thành phố ô tô vừa và nhỏ.
– Vi nhựa từ khẩu trang: Mối nguy tiềm ẩn sau đại dịch Covid-19.
Về môi trường khu công nghiệp
– Tác động của tiết kiệm năng lượng đối với hoạt động tài chính của các doanh nghiệp công nghiệp ở Trung Quốc: Một phân tích thực nghiệm dựa trên sự đối sánh điểm số xu hướng.
– Phân tích trò chơi tiến hóa về ô nhiễm không khí đồng đầu tư vào việc giảm phát thải của các doanh nghiệp thép theo cơ chế buôn bán hạn ngạch carbon.
– Các dòng chất thải công nghiệp alginate như một nguồn hứa hẹn của việc hóa trị các hợp chất có giá trị gia tăng.
– Ưu tiên xác định nguồn ô nhiễm kim loại nặng trong đất dựa trên phân tích rủi ro sinh thái và sức khỏe con người theo từng nguồn cụ thể tại một khu vực khai thác và luyện kim điển hình ở Nam Trung Quốc.
– Phương pháp tiếp cận mô hình tích hợp để lựa chọn địa điểm khu công nghiệp sinh thái.
– Phơi nhiễm của con người với BTEX thải ra từ một khu công nghiệp tái chế chất thải điện tử điển hình: Mức độ phơi nhiễm bên ngoài và bên trong, nguồn và các tác động rủi ro có thể xảy ra.
– Loại bỏ kháng sinh khỏi nước thải bằng công nghệ màng lọc: Hạn chế, thành công và cải tiến trong tương lai.
– Các nguồn theo định hướng mô hình thụ thể và đánh giá rủi ro của kim loại trong trầm tích của một hệ thống công nghiệp ven sông bị ảnh hưởng ở Bangladesh.
– Ưu tiên loại bỏ khí thải công nghiệp điện tử do chất thơm chiếm ưu thế bằng cách sử dụng tích hợp công nghệ tháp phun và xúc tác quang.
Xin trân trọng giới thiệu!
1. Characterization of carbonaceous substances emitted from residential solid fuel combustion using real-world data from the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 837, 1 September 2022, 155529
Residential solid fuel emissions are among the most important sources of carbonaceous substances that exert harmful effects on air quality, human health and climate change. Considering the constantly updated emission reduction policies for residential solid fuel combustion in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region, the emission data for the source should updated in a timely manner. Testing was performed on residential solid fuel emissions in the BTH region, China. The emission factors and profiles of carbonaceous substances (including organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), EPA priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (EPAHs), methyl PAHs (MPAHs), and n-alkanes) emitted from residential solid fuels were obtained. The results showed the ranges of emission factors of PM2.5, OC, EC, EPAHs, MPAHs and n-alkanes from residential solid fuel emissions were 1.92–17.6, 0.312–6.85, 0.066–2.33, 0.004–0.58, 0.003–0.87 and 0.009–0.39 g/kg fuel, respectively. The carbon fraction profiles showed that OC1, OC2, and EC1 were the major products of residential solid fuel combustion, and the non-polar organic matter profiles showed that Fluo and MFluo were dominant. The effects of combustion modes, types of stove and types of the fuel on emission characteristics of carbonaceous substances were discussed in detail. The emission factors of carbonaceous substances from the smoldering phase and traditional stove were higher than those from the flaming phase and improved stove, respectively, which was mainly controlled by the modified combustion efficiency (MCE). It was found that the emission factors of pollutants with decreasing MCE values sharply increased, especially when the MCE values were below 90%. Finally, some diagnostic ratios were discussed, and it was determined that residential coal combustion is considered to occur at MPAHs/PAHs higher than 1.5 and MFluo/Fluo higher than 5.
2. Adaptive management of environmental challenges in West African coastal lagoons
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 838, Part 3, 10 September 2022, 156234
Human activities in coastal lagoons over several decades have had a significant impact on their ecology and the valuable ecosystem services they provide. Although there are several management approaches to mitigate the problem, they are unable to link human needs and activities with changes in the state of the environment. This research provides this link via assessment of eleven lagoons in Ghana with a socio-ecological framework (Drivers (D), Activities (A), Pressure (P), State (S), Impact (I) on welfare (W), and Response (R) as a Measure (M); DAPSI(W)R(M)). Data were systematically obtained from relevant publications, previously conducted research, and national reports on the subject and were analyzed using this socio-ecological framework. Results show that basic biological and physiological needs such as food and shelter, social status and dominance, financial self-reliance, and self-actualization are the drivers of fishing, farming, settlements, salt mining, mangrove harvesting, industries, among others. These activities have contributed to pressures of selective extraction of fish and mangroves species, the introduction of heavy metals, organic materials, and smothering of substrates, consequently altering the environment by decreasing the oxygen rate and increasing the biochemical oxygen demand, organic matter, nutrients and pathogens, and reduction in lagoon areas and biodiversity. Thus, ultimately impacting human welfare, such as loss of revenue, employment, and seafood provision. Management options, including addressing the building and fuelwood material sources, afforestation and community ownership of lagoons, the prohibition of construction activities, and research-led management that can support decision-makers to improve the sustainability of these ecosystems, are highlighted. The findings have global implications for guiding local planners and state regulators in the applications of such integrated environmental management.
3. Environmental performance and human development for sustainability: Towards to a new Environmental Human Index
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 838, Part 4, 10 September 2022, 156491
Human Development Index (HDI) and Environmental Performance Index (EPI) are the widely adopted indicators for measuring the sustainable development in socio-economy and environment, respectively. Sustainable development emphasizes the reduction of environmental stress, when improving human welfare and regional equity, and seeks a balance between human development and environmental-ecological cost. It is necessary to link HDI and EPI to assess the socio-ecological sustainability with an integrative manner. An Environmental Human Index (EHI) by combining HDI and EPI is developed by a formula of EHI = (EPI/100)/(1 – HDI) for identifying combined rankings at international and provincial levels. The EHI for China in the decade (2006–2016) was examined. Results indicated that the EHI shows high feasibility in regional sustainable development evaluation. China places 92nd in the EHI, rising from a baseline score of 1.275 in 2006 to a score of 1.937 in 2016, which approximately account for a quarter of the developed countries. Although remarkable progress in human development has been achieved in China, a large range of EPI differences between China and developed countries implied weak environmental performance that should be improved. Results of correlation analysis reflect pressures of intensified urbanization and rapid economic growth on the environment. The EHI scores shown geographic regional differences at the provincial level that reflect development variation in China, eastern coastal region with strong EHI scores, and, the Northwest and Southwest China with low EHI. Finding suitable solutions for solving environmental issues and protecting ecosystem health is crucial to maintain sound, green, and long-term development with social and economic sustainability to achieve SDGs.
4. Excess out-of-hospital cardiac arrests due to ambient temperatures in South Korea from 2008 to 2018
Environmental Research, Volume 212, Part A, September 2022, 113130
Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is a notable public health issue with negative outcomes, such as high mortality and aftereffects. Additionally, the adverse effects of extreme temperatures on health have become more important under climate change; however, few studies have investigated the relationship between temperature and OHCA. In this study, we examined the association between temperature and OHCA and its underlying risk factors. We conducted a two-stage time-series analysis using a Poisson regression model with a distributed lag non-linear model (DLNM) and meta-analysis, based on a nationwide dataset from South Korea (2008–2018). We found that 17.4% of excess OHCA was attributed to cold, while 0.9% was attributed to heat. Based on central estimates, excess OHCA attributed to cold were more prominent in the population with hypertension comorbidity (31.0%) than the populations with diabetes (24.3%) and heart disease (17.4%). Excess OHCA attributed to heat were larger in the populations with diabetes (2.7%) and heart disease comorbidity (2.7%) than the population with hypertension (1.2%) based on central estimates. Furthermore, the time-varying excess OHCA attributed to cold have decreased over time, and although those of heat did not show a certain pattern during the study period, there was a weak increasing tendency since 2011. In conclusion, we found that OHCAs were associated with temperature, and cold temperatures showed a greater impact than that of hot temperatures. The effects of cold and hot temperatures on OHCA were more evident in the populations with hypertension, diabetes, and heart diseases, compared to the general population. In addition, the impacts of heat on OHCA increased in recent years, while those of cold temperatures decreased. Our results provide scientific evidence for policymakers to mitigate the OHCA burden attributed to temperature.
5. Waste flow of wet wipes and decision-making mechanism for consumers’ discarding behaviors
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 364, 1 September 2022, 132684
Wet wipes have been widely used in consumers’ daily lives, especially confronted with the COVID-19 pandemic. Most wet wipes contain plastic components, which cause salient plastic consumption and environmental pollution after their usage. In the current study, the discarding stage of wet wipes in China is investigated systematically. The waste flow of wet wipes is described in detail for the first time, based on the results of domestic waste composition field survey and 2461 consumer questionnaires. The decision-making mechanism for consumers’ wet wipes discarding behavior has been established, and the impacts of various factors have been quantified and analyzed by using structural equation modeling. Results show that waste wet wipes account for 0.2% of all domestic waste in China. Consumer behavior, which is determined by 12 influencing factors, will affect the flow of waste wet wipes substantially. All factors are divided into three categories, including “consumption habit”, “cost” and “incentive”. Among all factors, “time cost” is the most crucial one which indicates matching the convenient solid waste treatment infrastructure is an effective way to ameliorate environmental leakage. Popularizing the knowledge that wet wipes contain plastic through various ways such as printing the composition on packaging bags is a feasible approach. In order to mitigate the environmental impacts, a systematic solution integrating production, consumption and disposal processes of wet wipes is necessary.
6. Environmental and economic performances of incorporating Fenton-based processes into traditional sludge management systems
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 364, 1 September 2022, 132613
Municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants produce a tremendous amount of sludge containing organic and toxic components. One of the advanced oxidation processes (AOP) – Fenton process has demonstrated great prospect in reduction of sludge organics and toxicity. Fenton pretreatment could ameliorate the sludge dewaterability and biodegradability for anaerobic digestion (AD) process, and enhance the sludge lower heating value for incineration process, thus stimulating sludge dewatering, reduction and energy recovery. However, doubts remain about whether the incorporation of the Fenton process into the traditional sludge management systems brings environmental benefits. Hence, a life cycle environmental impact calculation model was established for sludge with various organic contents (60%, 70%, 80%) under the effect of Fenton and US/UV/Electro-Fenton processes. Noteworthy mitigation of environmental load was observed for the Fenton process coupled with incineration system, which involves high dewatering demand. Conversely, as for the AD system with high biomass transformation rate, Fenton process failed to attain the assumed promotion of environmental benefit. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) prominently attributed to the weakness of Fenton process combined with AD (F-AD) scenario, compared with the AD scenario in terms of environmental impact. Summarily, the F-AD scenario acts as the preponderant system when weighing up the pros and cons of environmental impact, energy balance and life cycle cost. Contrary to the mainstream view, the proven technical advantages of Fenton process cannot compensate for the additional environmental loads in the life cycle of sludge. It provides valuable reflection for environmental managers and scholars that we should be more cautious in the application of cutting-edge technologies.
7. Analyzing cause and effect relationships among drivers and barriers to circular economy implementation in the context of an emerging economy
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 364, 1 September 2022, 132618
The circular economy (CE) concepts have attained great attention to achieve sustainable development goals. However, the implementation of CE requires identifying its drivers and barriers. These drivers and barriers further require identification of the pathways to execute the implementation plan. To address this gap, this study explores the drivers and barriers of CE implementation to evaluate their cause and effect relationships and implementation pathways in the context of the Pakistani manufacturing industry – an emerging economy. The results show that resource efficiency sits at the top of the list of internal drivers. Among the external drivers, support from parent company, social responsibility, and international competition and push appear as equally important drivers of CE. The results on the external barriers show a significant role of all three barriers: lack of government policies, lack of industrial support, and lack of supply chain integration and effects of supply chain complexity. Reduction of cost exhibits its multi-faceted effect on profitability/market share and customer-supplier relationship, and lack of expertise affects profit and market demand level. The study provides valuable guidelines for managers and policymakers to develop strategic approaches for CE adoption and transition manufacturing organizations of emerging and developing economies to sustainability.
8. How do government policies affect the diffusion of green innovation among peer enterprises? – An evolutionary-game model in complex networks
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 364, 1 September 2022, 132711
Peer enterprises face similar market environment and development prospects. For the purpose of economic rationality and avoiding risks, enterprises imitate and learn from peer enterprises’ green innovation decisions. However, few studies focus on the relationship between peer effect and government policies. In order to fill the gap, an evolutionary game model based on complex network is built, and different information interaction mechanisms are constructed to study the dynamic impact of government policies on the diffusion of green innovation among peer enterprises. The results show that: (1) based on peer effect, green innovation incentive, environmental protection tax and innovation subsidy are effective policy tools to promote green innovation diffusion. (2) green innovation incentive and innovation subsidy have the best policy effect threshold. Peer alliances invalidate further incentives for generosity. (3) Increasing the intensity of environmental tax will first promote and then inhibit the diffusion of green innovation. (4) Different information interaction mechanisms of peer effect significantly impact the effectiveness of policies, and there are differences. Compared with the positive information, enterprises are more vulnerable to the negative information of the industry. This reflects the conservative attitude of enterprises. The conclusions provide a multi perspective reference for the implementation of government policies.
9. A research on the easy-to-use energy efficiency performance indicators for energy audit and energy monitoring of industrial compressed air systems
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 365, 10 September 2022, 132698
Compressed air systems have a high energy transfer capacity. They are widely used in the manufacturing industry due to being clean, dependable, and simple-to-use. On the other hand, these systems are among the most significant energy consumers in the manufacturing sector because they are inefficient with high electricity usage and high CO2 emissions. As a result, all kinds of the energy efficiency enhancements in these systems promote cleaner production by lowering total energy consumption and CO2 emissions in factories. In this paper, the energy-saving potential and carbon emissions of Compressed Air Systems are investigated using data from in-situ energy audits. A simple set of equations is proposed to calculate the mass flow rate of air leakage. The sound intensity (dB) obtained from ultrasonic flow measurements were used as the input of the equation set. Furthermore, two new Energy Performance Indicators have been proposed to guide energy audit evaluation and continuous monitoring of the energy efficiency of Compressed Air Systems in industrial facilities. The new evaluation criteria “Specific Compressed Air Savings” and “Specific Leakage Savings” provide a comparison tool to help decision-makers with their compressed air system investment decisions. Using the “Specific Compressed Air Savings” and “Specific Leak Savings” parameters, the analysis method is demonstrated for an example industrial plant. The facility’s specific compressed air and leakage savings are calculated as 0.0067 TOE/ton and 0.0035 TOE/ton, respectively.
10. A critical content-analysis of sustainable supplier development literature and future research directions
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 365, 10 September 2022, 132443
Sustainable supplier development (SSD) deals with how partner firms help their suppliers improve sustainable performance. Recently, SSD has received increased attention in academia and practice. In line with the emergence of supply chain sustainability, SSD evolved from being a primarily environmental perspective to a perspective incorporating corporate social responsibility and business ethics, and eventually a holistic sustainability perspective. This evolution led to a gap in theory as to the lack of a clear boundary between SSD and other sustainable supplier management practices, and a gap in practice on understanding how such practices help buying firms improve their supplier sustainability capabilities. A content-analysis based literature review is used to develop a framework for understanding the foundations of past research to address the above two important concerns and to come up with promising avenues for future research. For this purpose, a total of 47 SSD articles published in recognized academic journals during the decade 2010–2021 (August) are selected, categorized, analyzed and identified to highlight the current research status and opportunities. This article introduces a structural framework to critically examine past articles within four categories – concepts, practices, problems and solutions. The framework provides a general roadmap for future research opportunities. The review presented offers academicians and practitioners a better understanding of SSD towards a more coherent evolution of future research and practice in this area.
11. Impacts of green finance on green innovation: A spatial and nonlinear perspective
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 365, 10 September 2022, 132548
This paper provides an in-depth understanding of the mechanisms of green finance on green innovation, focusing on their spatial and non-linear relationships. Using panel data of 30 provinces of China during the period of 2009–2017, a green finance index is constructed, and the spatial Durbin model and panel threshold model are used. The results reveal that: (1) Green finance and green innovation had significant positive autocorrelation, and the development of green finance in provinces of central and western China were still in the lower-level range. (2) The coefficients of the direct effect and indirect effect of green finance on green innovation were significantly positive, which indicated that green finance was conducive to enhancing green innovation in local and adjacent provinces during the research period. (3) Double threshold effects of green finance on green innovation were observed, which demonstrated that the driving effect of green finance was decreased with the raising of intensity of environmental regulation. The implication of these results is that government should make full use of the radiation and trickle-down functions of green finance and green innovation to narrow regional gaps in sustainable development while maintaining a moderate intensity of environmental regulation.
12. Does the transformation of resource-dependent cities promote the realization of the carbon-peaking goal? An analysis based on typical resource-dependent city clusters in China
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 365, 10 September 2022, 132731
The key to transforming resource-dependent cities is for them to stop depending on resources for economic development. This would be a sustainable development path to lead to the peaking of carbon emissions. The carbon-peaking goal imposes strong carbon emission constraints and improper responses challenge the low-carbon transformation of resource-dependent cities. Continuous reduction in the intensity of carbon emissions is necessary for achieving the carbon-peaking goal. The transformation of resource-dependent cities, characterized by industrial transformation, tends to achieve this goal indirectly by reducing resource depletions. Effective environmental regulation introduces a more direct mechanism to reduce the intensity of carbon emissions on the terminal-end. Therefore, this study explores the carbon-peaking effect of resource-dependent city transformation and its mechanisms using the propensity score matching combined difference-in-differences method. The panel data from 324 districts and counties from 2005 to 2017 is selected based on the industrial transformation of typical resource-dependent cities in the adjoining Shanxi Province, Shaanxi Province, and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China initiated in 2009. The results show that industrial transformation only focuses on the stop-loss effect of cities with high-resource-dependence and promotes the continuous reduction in the intensity of carbon emissions at the early stages of resource-dependent city transformation. Furthermore, the carbon-peaking momentum during this transformation is a direct result of the increase in green technology innovation which introduces new mechanisms for green low-carbon development to transforming city. Meanwhile, environmental regulations achieve the carbon-peaking goal by increasing green total factor productivity through restraining existing high-carbon development inertia thereby reducing the intensity of carbon emissions. Therefore, environmental regulations and industrial transformation need to be coordinated, through combination of introducing green low-carbon mechanisms and restraining high-carbon development inertia, to jointly reduce the intensity of carbon emissions and create a sustainable mechanism for resource-dependent cities to achieve the carbon-peaking goal.
13. The COVID-19 pandemic and energy transitions: Evidence from low-carbon power generation in China
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 368, 25 September 2022, 132994
The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has led to a decline in carbon emissions or an improvement in air quality. Yet little is known about how the pandemic has affected the “low-carbon” energy transition. Here, using difference-in-differences (DID) models with historical controls, this study analyzed the overall impact of COVID-19 on China’s low-carbon power generation and examined the COVID-19 effect on the direction of the energy transition with a monthly province-specific, source-specific dataset. It was found that the COVID-19 pandemic increased the low-carbon power generation by 4.59% (0.0648 billion kWh), mainly driven by solar and wind power generation, especially solar power generation. Heterogeneous effects indicate that the pandemic has accelerated the transition of the power generation mix and the primary energy mix from carbon-intensive energy to modern renewables (such as solar and wind power). Finally, this study put forward several policy implications, including the need to promote the long-term development of renewables, green recovery, and so on.
14. Decoupling degrees of China’s economic growth from three-perspective carbon emissions
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 368, 25 September 2022, 133209
Responsible for 28% of global carbon emissions (since 2012), China’s actions to carbon emission mitigation are critical to achieving the net-zero ambition globally. Since aggressive actions on emission mitigation always involving the risk of economic losses, it is vital to examining the trade-off between mitigation policies and economic development. Here, we examined the extent to which the economic growth is decoupled from three-perspective emissions, i.e., production-, consumption- and income-based emissions. Results showed that 90%, 73% and 80% of Chinese provinces have achieved decoupling of GDP from production-, consumption- and income-based emissions during 2012–2017. We also investigated and compared dominant drivers (economic structure, emission intensity, per capita GDP, and population size) of emission changes among four types of provinces. Emission intensity was identified as the most important driver in terms of emission mitigation, while per capita GDP and population were the major ones adversely affecting emission mitigation. We put forward different mitigation suggestions for these provinces. Provinces, achieving three-perspective decoupling, should sustain technological improvement of key industrial enterprises. Downstream provinces that are still coupled from consumption-based emissions should adjust their consumption structure and consuming less emission-intensive products from upstream sectors. Upstream provinces, still coupled from income-based emissions, should adjust their allocation behaviors, e.g., distributing their primary or intermediate goods and services to low-carbon producers. Government should also adjust the rates of taxes and subsidies on products, and the rates of loans to the upstream producers. Provinces, still coupled from three-perspective emissions, should invest more in cleaner production technologies and promote applications to emission-intensive industries.
15. Prospect of microplastic pollution control under the “New normal” concept beyond COVID-19 pandemic
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 367, 20 September 2022, 133027
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has led to increasing demand for single-use plastic which aggravates the already existing plastic waste problem. Not only does the demand for personal protective equipment (PPE) increase, but also people shift their preference to online shopping and food delivery to comply with administrative policies for COVID-19 pandemic control. The used PPEs, packaging materials, and food containers may not be handled or recycled properly after their disposal. As a result, the mismanaged plastic waste is discharged into the environment and it may pose even greater risks after breaking into smaller fragments, which was regarded as the source of secondary microplastics (MPs, < 5 mm) or nanoplastics (NPs, < 1 μm). The main objective of this manuscript is to provide a review of the studies related to microplastic release due to pandemic-associated plastic waste. This study summarizes the limited work published on the ecotoxicological/toxicological effect of MPs/NPs released from PPE on aquatic organisms, soil organisms, as well as humans. Given the current status of research on MPs from COVID-related plastic waste, the immediate research directions needed on this topic were discussed.
1. Fugitive release and influencing factors of microplastics in urbanized watersheds: A case study of the central area of Suzhou City
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 837, 1 September 2022, 155653
Urban areas are greatly affected by human activities that may result in the release of microplastics. Fugitive release of microplastics is the unorganized discharge of microplastics produced during plastic manufacturing and use. The microplastics enter the environment in a variety of ways. To investigate fugitively released microplastics and identify the major influencing factors in urban watersheds, the central area of Suzhou city was selected as a case study. This area has a dense network of canals without sources of organized release. The results show that the microplastic abundance in the urban canal of the area ranged from 8.29 to 40.63 particles L−1, with a mean of 14.75 ± 3.95 particles L−1. To better understand the relationship between microplastics and human activities, the main influencing factors, including water quality, water-related activities, dwelling type, urban landscaping, trash collection and land use type, were assessed. Water quality was not correlated with microplastic distribution in the urban watershed, as it is in larger watersheds. Water-related activities caused elevated fugitive release of microplastics. The abundance of microplastics discharged into the water environment in modern communities was significantly less than that discharged in an area of traditional residences. Traffic activities contributed to microplastic release, while urban landscaping physically blocked microplastics from flowing into urban waterbodies to some extent. Trash collection did not reduce the abundance of microplastic particles in the water, despite its ability to remove other types of plastic waste. The results also suggest that the contributions of different land use types to the abundance of microplastics in urban areas from highest to lowest were as follows: tourist districts > commercial areas > public areas > residential areas > roads. Moreover, fugitive release is an important source to be considered in future research on urban microplastic management. The renewal of urban construction to mitigate the influence of human activities on water ecology may play a positive role in controlling the fugitive release of microplastics.
2. The integrated impact of GDP growth, industrialization, energy use, and urbanization on CO2 emissions in developing countries: Evidence from the panel ARDL approach
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 837, 1 September 2022, 155795
Developing economies are an important engine of world economic growth. However, ensuring the quality of environmental assets is maintained amid rapid economic change remains a major challenge for most developing countries. Using the Panel Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach and the heterogeneous causality test, this study analyzes the combined effects of energy usage, industrialization, gross domestic product (GDP) growth, and urbanization on CO2 emissions for 23 developing countries across the 1995 to 2018 period. From our analysis, the long-run results reveal that a 1% increase in energy use, economic growth, industrialization, and urbanization increases CO2 emissions by 0.23%, 0.17%, 0.54%, and 2.32%, respectively. Moreover, our model’s short- to long-term equilibriums are adjusted at a yearly rate of 0.19%. Finally, to verify the panel ARDL long-run results, robustness tests were carried out using the Fully Modified Ordinary Least Squares (FMOLS) and Dynamic Ordinary Least Squares (DOLS) approaches. Our results confirm that in the case of developing countries, CO2 emissions are primarily influenced by GDP growth, energy use, industrialization, and urbanization. Furthermore, the panel causality analysis identified a bidirectional causal relationship between energy use, GDP growth, urbanization, industrialization, and CO2 emissions. While these results can play an instrumental role in formulating CO2 emission policies among our selected countries, our research can also assist policy makers and stakeholders in other developing economies implement important policy initiatives. These include, tax incentives and infrastructural developments that nurture environmentally friendly industrialization, deploy low-carbon technologies, promote sustainable forms of urbanization and urban planning, while also facilitating increases in both the investment in and adoption of renewable energy platforms. The establishment of such a comprehensive policy agenda can help emerging economies achieve strong and environmentally sustainable GDP growth over the long-term.
3. Intercomparison of OH radical measurement in a complex atmosphere in Chengdu, China
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 838, Part 1, 10 September 2022, 155924
Atmospheric oxidation is a driving force of complex air pollution, and accurate hydroxyl radical (OH) measurement is helpful in investigating the radical-cored photooxidation mechanism in the troposphere. A self-developed laser-induced fluorescence instrument by the Anhui Institute of Optics Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (AIOFM-LIF), was able to measure OH concentration with high sensitivity and good time resolution, and a detection limit of 1.7 × 105 cm−3 (1σ, 30 s). A long-period, multi-level intercomparison of hydroxyl radical (OH) measurements between AIOFM-LIF and PKU-LIF (the Peking University laser-induced fluorescence system) was conducted in Chengdu, China. The measurement between two instruments was in excellent agreement in the 5-min time resolution. Linear regression analysis reported a linear slope of 0.96 with a 0.68 × 106 cm−3 offset, and the correlation coefficient R2 was 0.85. The overall linearity with only a slight offset indicated a negligible influence on OH measurement. No noticeable artifacts from ozonolysis were observed under the condition of high ozone and ozonolysis-related compound concentrations. In addition to the subtraction of background signal through wavelength modulation, the dynamic correction on ozone photolysis interference ensured high intercomparison quality in both relatively constant and rapidly varying periods. Based on the reliability of OHAIOFM and OHPKU, comparisons under different oxidation-related species (NOx, VOCs, O3, PM2.5) levels and typical scenarios (rich-BVOC and high-reactivity) were carried out to evaluate the performance under complex atmospheres. A slightly higher drift was observed in a certain scenario, but the general data variability due to environmental changes did not affect the measurement accuracy. The intercomparison demonstrated that both systems are able to achieve reliable OH data under typical conditions of complex atmospheric pollution in China. Additional improvements are necessary for future intercomparisons in order to enhance the confidence in OH detection accuracy.
4. Physical and chemical characterization of urban grime: An impact on the NO2 uptake coefficients and N-containing product compounds
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 838, Part 1, 10 September 2022, 155973
Urban grime represents an important environmental surface for heterogeneous reactions in urban environment. Here, we assess the physical and chemical properties of urban grime collected during six consecutive months in downtown of Guangzhou, China. There is a significant variation of the uptake coefficients of NO2 on the urban grime as a function of the relative humidity (RH). In absence of water molecules (0% RH), the light-induced uptake coefficients of NO2 on urban grime samples collected during six months are very similar in order of ≈10−6. At 80% RH, depending on the sampling month the light-induced uptake coefficient of NO2 can reach one order of magnitude higher values (1.5 × 10−5, at 80% RH) compared to those uptakes at 0% RH. In presence of 80% RH, there are strong correlations between the measured NO2 uptakes and the concentrations of the water soluble carbon, soluble anions, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and n-alkanes depicted in the urban grime. These correlations, demonstrate that surface adsorbed water on urban grime play an important role for the uptakes of NO2. The heterogeneous conversion of NO2 on two-month old urban grime under sunlight irradiation (68 W m−2, 300 nm < λ < 400 nm) at 60% RH leads to the formation of unprecedented HONO surface flux of 4.7 × 1010 molecules cm−2 s−1 which is higher than all previously observed HONO fluxes, thereby affecting the oxidation capacity of the urban atmosphere. During the heterogeneous chemistry of NO2 with urban grime, the unsaturated and N-containing organic compounds are released in the gas phase which can affect the air quality in the urban environment.
5. Microplastic atmospheric dustfall pollution in urban environment: Evidence from the types, distribution, and probable sources in Beijing, China
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 838, Part 1, 10 September 2022, 155989
Airborne microplastics (MPs) pollution is an environmental problem of increasing concern, due to the ubiquity, persistence and potential toxicity of plastics in the atmosphere. In recent years, most studies on MPs have focused on aquatic and sedimentary environments, but little research has been done on MPs in the urban atmosphere. In this study, a total of ten dustfall samples were collected in a transect from north to south across urban Beijing. The compositions, morphologies, and sizes of the MPs in these dustfall samples were determined by means of Laser Direct Infrared (LDIR) imaging and Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM). The number concentrations of MPs in the Beijing dustfall samples show an average of 123.6 items/g. The MPs concentrations show different patterns in the central, southern, and northern zones of Beijing. The number concentration of MPs was the highest in the central zone (224.76 items/g), as compared with the southern zone (170.55 items/g), and the northern zone (24.42 items/g). The LDIR analysis revealed nine compositional types of MPs, including Polypropylene (PP), Polyamide (PA), Polystyrene (PS), Polyethylene (PE), Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), Silicone, Polycarbonate (PC), Polyurethane (PU) and Polyvinylchloride (PVC), among which PP was overall dominant. The PP dominates the MPs in the central zone (76.3%), and the PA dominates the MPs in the southern zone (55.86%), while the northern zone had a diverse combination of MPs types. The morphological types of the individual MPs particle include fragments, pellets, and fibers, among which fragments are dominant (70.9%). FESEM images show the presence of aged MPs in the Beijing atmosphere, which could pose a yet unquantified health risk to Beijing’s residents. The average size of the MPs in the Beijing samples is 66.62 μm. Our study revealed that the numbers of fibrous MPs increase with the decrease in size. This pollution therefore needs to be carefully monitored, and methods of decreasing the sources and mitigations developed.
6. Co-combustion of high alkali coal with municipal sludge: Thermal behaviour, kinetic analysis, and micro characteristic
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 838, Part 3, 10 September 2022, 156489
Blending sludge rich in protein and aliphatic hydrocarbons into the high alkali coal (HAC) has been demonstrated to reduce the ash melting temperature of the HAC/sludge mixture, thereby increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of liquid slagging. However, whether the incorporation of sludge can affect the combustion stability of the original coal-fired boiler is still debatable. As the combustion stability of the fuel can directly affect the operational safety of the boiler, it is of great practical value for exploring the effect of sludge incorporation on the combustion performance of HAC. In this work, the thermal behaviour and microscopic properties of individual HAC, municipal sludge (MS) and HAC/MS mixtures were tested using a Thermogravimetric analyser (TGA) and a Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer, respectively. The exothermic, thermodynamic and functional group evolution patterns during the combustion of these samples were also evaluated. Ignition temperatures (Ti) of the HAC/MS mixtures were relatively lower than that of individual HAC, and decreased with the increase in sludge mass ratio (SMR). The synergistic effect of the co-combustion of HAC and MS resulted in a slightly higher total heat release during the combustion of MS10HAC90 (i.e., the mass percentage of MS and HAC is 1:9) than HAC alone, however, the total heat release of the blend decreased progressively with increasing SMR. The experimental values of the average Eα for all four mixtures were lower than the theoretical values, indicating that the addition of MS lowered the reaction energy barriers of the mixtures. Consumption rates of the principal groups in samples during the oxidation and combustion all tended to increase progressively with increasing SMR. There are three major synergistic effects existing during co-combustion of HAC and MS: (1) the reaction of free radicals with benzene molecules; (2) the interaction of free radicals; and (3) the catalytic effect of alkali and alkaline earth metals. These findings can provide theoretical guidance for the determination of key parameters (mixing ratio) for the blending of HAC and MS, and can fill the research gap in terms of microscopic reactivity and synergistic effects during the co-combustion of HAC and MS.
7. Efficacy of a large-scale integrated constructed wetland for pesticide removal in tail water from a sewage treatment plant
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 838, Part 4, 10 September 2022, 156568
The higher and higher detection frequencies of micro-pollutants such as pesticides in water are nowadays intensifying the investigation for strategies to provide effective engineering methods that could mitigate such substances. Traditional sewage treatment plants (STP) do not design specific processes for micro-pollutants removal in water. As an environmentally-friendly measure, some laboratory-scale wetlands have been proved to be effective in the removal of pesticides in water, but such studies are rarely carried out in large-scale wetlands, especially when they are adopted as a polishing step of STPs. Therefore, the further removals of micro-pollutants in tail water of STPs through the largescale wetlands and the relevant removal mechanism are still knowledge gaps. In this study, 44 target pesticides were detected in the water of a large-scale integrated constructed wetland (ICW) for four seasons. The ICW was established to further process the tail water from a STP, whose drainage was from domestic sewage of local residents. There were 19, 16, 17, and 19 pesticides detected in spring, summer, autumn, and winter, respectively. The removal values for Σ19 pesticides ranged from 49.99% to 84.96% during the study period, and the removal of these pesticides followed significant seasonal trends, which was likely because the microorganisms responsible for biotic degradation were markedly influenced by seasonal temperature fluctuations. Proteobacteria, Chloroflexi, Acidobacteria, Planctomycetes, and Bacteroidetes were the dominant phyla, and might be associated with the biodegradation of organic pollutants in the ICW. Removal of pesticides by the ICW resulted in overall toxicity reductions in water, but butachlor and chlorpyrifos were still at non-ignorable ecological risks. This study highlights the potential of constructed wetlands for micropollutants removal in water as a polishing step in STPs.
8. Environmental risk assessment of low molecule benzotriazoles in urban road rainwaters in Poland
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 839, 15 September 2022, 156246
This study aimed to identify and quantify benzotriazoles (BTRs) emissions from road traffic and paved areas in an urban environment. Heterocyclic organic compounds BTRs are an emerging threat, under-recognized and under-analyzed in most environmental and water legislation. They are hazardous, potentially mutagenic, and carcinogenic micropollutants, not susceptible to effective biodegradation, and they move easily through the trophic chain, contaminating the environment and water resources. Traffic activities are a common source of BTR emissions in the urban environment, directly polluting human habitats through the different routes and numerous vehicles circulating in the cities. Using twelve heterogeneous locations scattered over a metropolitan area in Poland as a case study, this research analyzed the presence of BTRs in water samples from runoff produced from rainwater and snowmelt. 1H-BTR, 4Me-BTR, 5Me-BTR and 5Cl-BTR were detected in the tested runoff water. 5Cl-BTR was present in all samples and in the highest concentrations reaching 47,000 ng/L. Risk quotients calculated on the basis of the determined concentrations indicate that the highest environmental risk is associated with the presence of 5Cl-BTR and the sum of 4Me-BTR and 5Me-BTR, and the most sensitive organisms are bacteria and invertebrates. The results indicate that it is possible to associate the occurrence of these contaminants with the type of cover, traffic intensity, and vehicle type.
9. A systematic assessment of city-level climate change mitigation and air quality improvement in China
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 839, 15 September 2022, 156274
China is facing dual challenges of air pollution and climate change. By using city-level data, we comprehensively assessed air quality and CO2 emission changes from 2015 to 2019 for 335 Chinese cities. We selected important regions for air pollution control and categorized all cities into different classes according to their development levels. Our novel approach revealed new insights on different patterns of changes of PM2.5, O3, and CO2 by region and city class. We found that PM2.5 concentrations decreased remarkably due to mandatory city-level reduction targets, especially in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (−27%) region. Nonetheless, O3 concentrations and CO2 emissions increased in 91% and 69% of Chinese cities, respectively. Observed CO2 emission reductions in more developed cities were mainly due to prominent energy intensity reduction and energy structure improvement. Our study indicates a lack of synergy in air pollution control and CO2 mitigation under current policies in China. To address both challenges holistically, we suggest setting mandatory city-level CO2 emission reduction targets and reinforcing clean energy and energy efficiency measures.
10. Impact from the evolution of private vehicle fleet composition on traffic related emissions in the small-medium automotive city
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 840, 20 September 2022, 156657
Understanding the emission characteristics in the evolution of private vehicle fleet composition has become a key issue to be addressed to develop appropriate emission mitigation strategies in transportation sector. In this study, the influence of such evolution on on-road emissions was investigated based on a comprehensive dataset encompassing vehicle fleet composition, demographic, economic, and energy features from a representative small-medium automotive city in North America. The decoupling analysis was carried out to assess the dynamic linkage between environmental pressure exerted by the transportation sector and economic growth at both city level and national level in North America. We also developed an approach that supports the long-term traffic-related air pollutant prediction and investigated the potential influence on urban air quality. A sharp upward trajectory was observed in the quantity of SUVs from 2001 to 2018, gradually replacing the dominance of the quantity of four-door cars. There was a significant shift in the GHG emissions emitted from vehicle types used for passenger transport: emissions from SUVs and trucks rose by 374.0% and 69.3%, respectively, whereas emissions from four-door cars, two-door cars, station wagons, and vans all decreased. The changes in vehicle composition, along with the steady trend in GHG emissions from private fleet and decrease in on-road air pollutant concentrations found in Regina, were a response to the establishment of federal fuel economy standards and improved fuel economy. Relative decoupling was observed in aggregate for Regina and Canada in most of the years while both experienced economic downturns and increases in environmental pressure in the form of emissions from 2014 to 2015. The predicted results also demonstrate the high capability of XGboost machine learning algorithm in predicting on-road air pollutant concentrations of CO, PM2.5, and NOX.
11. Microplastics from face masks: A potential hazard post Covid-19 pandemic
Chemosphere, Volume 302, September 2022, 134805
The tremendous use of plastic products to averse the infection rate during Covid-19 pandemic has developed great pressure on the management and disposal systems of plastic waste. The compulsory use of face masks to curb the infection and prevent transmission of the virus has led to addition of millions of face masks into the terrestrial and marine environment. The current study attempts to assess and quantify the rate of infection in coherence with the annual usage of face masks in various nations across the globe. The ecological footprint of the plastic waste generated from used and discarded face masks along with their potential impacts have also been discussed. The current study has quantified the total annual face masks across thirty-six nations to be more than 1.5 million ton. The total estimated figure for annual plastic waste and microplastics in all these nations was ∼4.2 million tonnes and 9774 thousand tonnes, which emerges as a great threat to the global efforts towards reduction of plastic usage. The emergence of Covid-19 pandemic has modified the living habits with new enterprises being set up for Covid essential products, but the associated hazard of these products has been significantly ignored. Hence this study attempts to present a quantitative baseline database towards interpretation and understanding of the hazards associated with microplastics and increased dependence on plastic products.
12. The development of sustainable IoT E-waste management guideline for households
Chemosphere, Volume 303, Part 1, September 2022, 134767
The introduction of new technology, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), entails a growth in digital devices, which could ultimately result in a high amount of electronic trash (e-waste) production if they are not appropriately managed. Apart from that, the regulation on possible “IoT E-waste” generation is yet to be regulated, probably due to the new development and implementation of IoT globally. Hence, this paper proposed a Sustainable IoT E-waste Management guideline for households. This guideline could assist government agencies and policymakers in their strategies, planning, development, and implementation of a sustainable household IoT e-waste management initiatives in Malaysia. This study is an exploratory study that adopts a qualitative case study research method. The guideline was developed based on the Integrated Sustainable Waste Management (ISWM) Model. This guideline contributes to Malaysia’s sustainability agenda in reducing carbon emissions intensity towards 2030 by 45 percent.
13. Impact of change in traffic flow on vehicle non-exhaust PM2.5 and PM10 emissions: A case study of the M25 motorway, UK
Chemosphere, Volume 303, Part 1, September 2022, 135069
This study quantifies the change in traffic flow on the M25 motorway in the UK due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Moreover, the impact of the change in traffic flow on non-exhaust PM2.5 and PM10 emissions for different categories of vehicle was explored. During the year of the COVID-19 outbreak (March 2020 to February 2021), the total traffic flows of passenger cars (PCs), light goods vehicles (LGVs), heavy goods vehicles (HGVs), and long HGVs on the M25 motorway decreased by 38.6%, 27.6%, 15.9% and 7.2%, respectively, in comparison to the previous year. Correspondingly, the total mass of non-exhaust emissions (PM2.5 and PM10) of PCs, LGVs, HGVs, and long HGVs reduced by 38.7%, 27.3%, 16.2% and 7%, respectively. The traffic flows per year before and during the COVID-19 outbreak of long HGVs were 87.2% and 80.7% less than those of PCs. Correspondingly, the long HGVs emitted 10.2% less but 36.3% more PM2.5 emissions, as well as 10.9% and 66.7% more PM10 emissions than the latter, indicating that long HGVs contribute much more to non-exhaust particles than PCs. In addition, it was found that resuspension of road dust on the M25 motorway was the largest contributor to air pollution among non-exhaust emissions, followed by road wear, tyre wear, and brake wear particles.
14. Influence mechanism of urban polycentric spatial structure on PM2.5 emissions in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, China
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 365, 10 September 2022, 132721
Urban spatial structure has important impact on environmental pollutant emissions, but few studies have investigated the possibility of a bidirectional influence mechanism between the two. This study used panel data of 108 prefecture-level cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt (China) from 2009 to 2018. The objective was to test empirically the dynamic emission reduction effect of polycentric spatial structure on environmental pollution using the STIRPAT model as a framework to decipher the bidirectional causality effect. System generalized method of moments and the Sobel Test were applied to construct a panel intermediary effect model to verify the mechanism of urban polycentric development mode on urban haze pollution in China. Results showed that the urban polycentric structure in the Yangtze River Economic Belt has produced substantial pollution reduction effects, and that there are heterogenous regional, size, and functional differences in the impact of urban spatial structure of the Yangtze River Economic Belt on the environment. Moreover, the results of the intermediary effect test showed that market integration and industrial structure optimization are important ways via which to improve environmental pollutant emissions using the polycentric spatial development model. On this basis, suggestions were proposed for optimizing urban spatial structure to promote high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.
15. Developing green and sustainable concrete in integrating with different urban wastes
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 368, 25 September 2022, 133057
Urban waste accumulation has changed the landscape of cities through environmental pollution. This detrimental change is pushing the development of advanced and green waste management strategies for reshaping green cities, given that the traditional disposal approaches of incineration and landfilling cause soil and water pollution. The utilization of urban waste in concrete shows immense potential as an alternative, as it brings about environmental, economic, and technological benefits. This review highlights the up-to-date progress in the field of utilizing urban waste in concrete. The primary focuses are the main classes of urban waste generated – namely plastic, used engine oil, and wasted glass – as models for integrating urban waste in concrete with the desired performance. Specifically, the roles that urban waste plays in concrete, the problems arising from its incorporation into concrete, and the corresponding solutions are elucidated in order to understand the feasibility of manufacturing green and sustainable concrete by means of incorporating individual urban waste. In addition, the feasibility of integrating different types of urban wastes into concrete is discussed with recommended use. This review shows that with scientific technologies for solving the critical problems in concrete composites with urban waste, making use of different urban wastes endows them with an array of functions, such as enhancement of workability and strength for concrete, yielding opportunities for the design of sustainable concrete materials with desired mechanical properties. We also outline the existing challenges and future perspectives associated with the utilization of urban waste in concrete in order to promote the progressive development of sustainable concrete from research and application aspects. With the future directions under discussion, it is envisioned that incorporating urban waste in concrete can aid in engineering sustainable concrete in the construction industry and handling urban waste in a clean manner within the waste-management sector.
1. Sustainable development trial undertaking: Experience from China’s innovation demonstration zones
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 318, 15 September 2022, 115370
In December 2016, China proposed creating about ten sustainable development demonstration zones to create a batch of replicable and extendable demonstration models to fully realize the 2030 sustainable development goals (SDGs) and provide a reference for similar regions of emerging economies. It has now approved six cities that act as green and low carbon lifestyle laboratories. However, very few documents quantitatively evaluate this policy’s natural, economic, and social impact. This article comprehensively uses dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) methods and input-output methods to portray the urgency of sustainable development in China. This article sets the sustainable indicator system for the approved six cities and sets scenario simulations based on transformation needs for quantitative evaluation. The results show that demonstration zones policies would lead to a decline in the output of heavily polluting industries. However, in China’s current coal-dominated energy structure, the degree of positive impact on the growth of clean industry output would be less than the intensity of the impact on heavily polluting industries.
2. Impact of energy saving on the financial performance of industrial enterprises in China: An empirical analysis based on propensity score matching
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 317, 1 September 2022, 115377
Does energy-saving have a positive effect on the long-term development of enterprises? To answer this question, this study uses the propensity score matching (PSM) method to determine the impact of enterprises completing energy-saving objectives on their financial performance based on data from an industrial enterprise database in China. The results show that industrial enterprises that have completed the energy-saving target have advantages in profitability, operational and financial indicators but have deficiencies in debt indicators, and there is no significant difference in the ratio of profits to cost and expense. The research results of high energy-consuming industry are the same as the overall sample of industrial enterprises in terms of operational and financial indicators, and debt ratio indicators. Nevertheless, energy saving has no significant impact on profit and ratio of profits to cost of high energy-consuming industry.
3. Photo-degradation of sugar processing wastewater by copper doped bismuth oxyiodide: Assessment of treatment performance and kinetic studies
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 318, 15 September 2022, 115432
In this study, photo-Fenton-like oxidation method was evaluated for synthetic sugar industry wastewater using visible-light driven Cu–BiOI photocatalyst. Reaction conditions including initial pH, catalyst loading, initial hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concentration, and temperature, were optimized. At these optimized conditions, the total saccharide concentration (TSC) and total organic carbon (TOC) removals were 56.20% and 30.67%, respectively whereas the maximum TSC and TOC removal reached up to 93.35% and 74.72% respectively by decreasing initial sucrose concentration. The kinetic study showed that the reaction order for sucrose and TOC oxidation was determined as 2 for pseudo-homogeneous power law models with respect to sucrose concentration and TOC, respectively.For heterogeneous models, Langmuir-Hinshelwood model based on the mechanism of adsorbed pollutant and oxidant on different catalytic sites was the best fit for oxidation of sucrose and other organic intermediates. According to the catalyst characterization studies, incorporation of copper was successful and Cu–BiOI possesses high photocatalytic activity accomplished by acid-assisted synthesis method.
4. Evolutionary game analysis of air pollution co-investment in emission reductions by steel enterprises under carbon quota trading mechanism
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 317, 1 September 2022, 115376
Air pollution has become the focus of social attention, and the development of the steel industry has caused serious pollution problems. Currently, air pollution control is inefficient, and the Chinese government encourages steel enterprises to jointly control regional air pollution. An evolutionary game model regarding the inter-steel enterprises under the government subsidy mechanism was developed to determine the optimal synergistic air pollution management strategy between large steel enterprises and medium and small-sized steel enterprises under the government subsidy policy. Subsequently, a carbon quota trading mechanism is introduced to the base model to reduce the possibility of enterprises choosing not to carry out air pollution control investment strategies and mutual free-riding behavior among enterprises. Results suggest that government subsidies and input-output ratios are critical for enterprises to collaborate on air pollution control investments. Threshold of the input-output ratios can be lowered by reducing the benefits of free-riding behavior and input costs and increasing the benefits of government subsidies and common products. Enhancing the input-output ratios, benefits of common products, input costs, government subsidies, and benefits of free-riding behavior can lead enterprises to converge to the best choice. Furthermore, carbon quota trading mechanism can take effect only when carbon quotas sold by both enterprises are greater than the threshold value of the carbon quotas given by the government. At this time, enterprises obtain carbon trading revenue and government subsidies much more than input costs, and they invest in air pollution with no free-riding behavior. Moreover, increasing the price of carbon trading helps in the promotion of the improvement of carbon trading profits and the tendency to choose the best strategy for both enterprises.
5. Alginate industrial waste streams as a promising source of value-added compounds valorization
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 838, Part 3, 10 September 2022, 156394
The alginate industry processes more than hundred thousand tons per year of algae in Europe, discarding around 80% of the algae biomass as different solid/liquid residual streams. In this work, Saccharina latissima and Ascophyllum nodosum, their generated alginates and all residual fractions generated in the process were characterized in terms of lipid, ash, protein content, and the carbohydrate composition and antioxidant capacities analyzed. The first fraction after acid treatment (ca. 50% of the initial dry biomass) was rich in phlorotannins (15 mg GAE/g) and bioactive fucoidans (15–70%), with a high sulfation degree in A. nodosum. Two fractions generated from the solid residue, one soluble and another insoluble (Ra and Rb, respectively), constituted 9% and 5–8% of the initial biomass and showed great potential as a source of soluble protein (30% for S. latissima), and cellulose (70%) or fucoidan, respectively. Valorization strategies are suggested for these waste streams, evidencing their high potential as bioactive, texturizing or nutritional added-value ingredients for cosmetic, food, feed or pharmaceutical applications.
6. Identification priority source of soil heavy metals pollution based on source-specific ecological and human health risk analysis in a typical smelting and mining region of South China
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Volume 242, 1 September 2022, 113864
An in-depth understanding of the ecological and health risks posed by heavy metals originating from various pollution sources is critical for foresighted soil-quality management. Based on 220 grid samples (2 × 2 km) analyzed for eight heavy metals (Cd, Hg, As, Pb, Cr, Ni, Cu, and Zn) in the Chenshui (CS) watershed of Hunan Province, China, we applied an integrated approach for identifying and apportioning pollution sources of soil heavy metals and exploring their source-specific pollution risks. This approach consists of three sequential steps: (1) source identification by combining the positive matrix factorization model with geostatistical analysis; (2) quantification of ecological, carcinogenic, and non-carcinogenic risks in a source-specific manner; (3) prioritization of sources in a holistic manner, considering both ecological risks and human health risks. Cd (68.0%) and Hg (13.3%) dominated the ecological risk in terms of ecological risk index; As dominated the non-carcinogenic health risk in terms of total hazard index (THI; adults: 84.8%, children: 84.7%) and the carcinogenic health risk in terms of total carcinogenic risk index (TCRI; adults: 69.0%, children: 68.8%). Among three exposure routes, oral ingestion (89.4–95.2%) was the predominant route for both adults and children. Compared with adults (THI = 0.41, TCRI = 7.01E-05), children (THI = 2.81, TCRI = 1.22E-04) had greater non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risks. Four sources (F1–4) were identified for the CS watershed: atmospheric deposition related to coal-burning and traffic emissions (F1, 18.0%), natural sources from parent materials (F2, 34.3%), non-ferrous mining and smelting industry (F3, 37.9%), and historical arsenic-related activity (F4, 9.8%). The F3 source contributed the largest (45.2%) to the ecological risks, and the F4 source was the predominant contributor to non-carcinogenic (52.4%) and carcinogenic (64.6%) risks. The results highlight the importance of considering legacy As pollution from abandoned industries when developing risk reduction strategies in this region. The proposed methodology for source and risk identification and apportionment formulates the multidimensional concerns of pollution and the various associated risks into a tangible decision-making process to support soil pollution control.
7. Integrated modelling approach for an eco-industrial park site selection
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 368, 25 September 2022, 133141
Inconsistencies of the single multi-criteria decision making (SMCD) methods in criteria weight assessment make them unreliable and have led to the wrong siting of industrial parks, which are often abandoned as brownfields that emit GHG. Eco-industrial parks (EIPs) are replacing brownfields but require robust decision-making tools to weigh and rank suitable locations for industry clusters’ synergies. Integrated multi-criteria decision making (IMCDM) to address the weaknesses and strengthen the advantages of SMCDM methods, and a model to overlay criteria weights and spatial data easily and accurately were developed. The spatial criteria data for 2009 and 2019 from Tanjung Langsat Industrial Area were collected and prepared by GIS to test the SMCDM and IMCMD consistency weighting and the model resilience. The SMCDM (AHP, ANP and F-AHP) and the IMCDM weights with the 2009 criteria data identified the entire water bodies around the brownfield as suitable sites, making them inconsistent. The 2019 data with the SMCDM weights identified tiny sites as best, also making them inconsistent. The integrated hierarchy network fuzzy analytic process (HN-FAP) and the hierarchy network analytic process (HNAP) with the 2019 criteria data identified part of the water bodies as suitable making it inconsistent. The hierarchy fuzzy analytic process (H-FAP) and the network fuzzy hierarchy analytic process (NFh-AP) identified larger suitable sites without overlaps making them consistent algorithms. The H-FAP and NFh-AP procedures eliminate the weaknesses and consolidate the strengths, giving optimally consistent criteria weights. The two algorithms’ consistency and the model efficiency can use different criteria weights and spatial data inputs from elsewhere for 4IR-driven EIP modelling to help brownfield-EIP stakeholders. Future research would address the reverse ranking of MCDM methods when alternatives are added or removed.
8. Human exposure to BTEX emitted from a typical e-waste recycling industrial park: External and internal exposure levels, sources, and probabilistic risk implications
Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 437, 5 September 2022, 129343
Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) can be released during extensive activities associated with the disposal of electronic waste (e-waste), which might pose deleterious health effects on workers. In this study, pollution profiles of BTEX in air and their urinary excretive profiles in occupational workers were investigated in a typical e-waste recycling industrial park. The results showed that the workers in the park were generally exposed to high levels of BTEX. The median levels of urinary metabolites were approximately 6-orders of magnitude higher than those of unmetabolized BTEX, indicating that pollutants efficiently metabolize at those occupational levels. The analytes presented differential profiles in external and internal exposure. Among the metabolites, significant correlation (p < 0.05) was observed between N-acetyl-S-benzyl-L-cysteine (S-BMA) concentration and atmospheric individual BTEX derived from the e-waste recycling area, suggesting that S-BMA is a potential marker for BTEX exposure to e-waste occupational workers. Notably, 95.2 % of all the workers showed a cumulative carcinogenic risk induced by BTEX exposure via inhalation, with 99.9 % of the carcinogenic risk distribution based on concentration of benzene metabolite (N-acetyl-S-(phenyl)-L-cysteine) exceeding 1.0E-6. This study holds potential in providing valuable inferences for the development of remediation strategies focusing on BTEX exposure reduction to protect workers’ health at e-waste recycling industries.
9. Preferential removal of aromatics-dominated electronic industrial emissions using the integration of spray tower and photocatalysis technologies
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 364, 1 September 2022, 132706
Industrial emissions from the manufacturing of printed circuit boards (PCBs) are characterized by low concentration and high gas flow rates, and are one of the important sources of toxic and odorous volatile organic compounds (VOCs). They are deleterious to human health and considered as important precursors for the formation of ozone. Herein, we conducted a case study in which an integrated decontamination technique consisting of a spray tower (ST) and photocatalysis (PC) was applied to purify the waste gas emitted from a PCB manufacturing facility. Total of 66 VOCs including halogenated hydrocarbons (HHs), aromatic hydrocarbons (AHs), oxygen-containing hydrocarbons (OVOCs), and aliphatic hydrocarbons (AIHs) were quantified using GC-MS during four sampling events. The results showed that AHs were the largest group (contributing >85.0% of the total VOCs). The average removal efficiency (RE) of VOCs during the nine months’ continuous treatment was 72.39%. High RE was attributed to the following three aspects: the capture efficiencies of HHs with slight water solubility (50.16% of RE) and AIHs with low saturation pressure (54.75% of RE) were improved by the process consisting of ST upstream of PC, whereas AHs was preferentially degraded by PC (61.34% of RE). In addition, the ozone formation potential and the health risk (cancer and non-cancer risks) greatly decreased after the ST-PC treatment. This study suggests that ST-PC technique is a promising approach for removing continuously emitted organic waste gas with low concentration and high gas flow rates, as well as reducing the ozone formation and risk of health hazards.
10. Removal of antibiotics from wastewaters by membrane technology: Limitations, successes, and future improvements
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 838, Part 1, 10 September 2022, 156010
Antibiotics and related pharmaceuticals are applied to enhance public health and life quality. A major environmental concern is wastewaters from pharmaceutical industries, which contain significant amounts of antibiotics. Pharmaceutical industries apply conventional processes (biological, filtration, coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation) for wastewater treatment, but these approaches cannot remove antibiotics completely. Moreover, unmetabolized antibiotics released by humans and animals are dangerous for municipal and effluent wastewater. Besides, antibiotic resistance is another challenge in treatment of wastewater for superbugs. This comprehensive study summarizes different techniques for antibiotic removal with an emphasis on membrane technology in individual and hybrid systems such as chemical, physical, biological, and conditional-based strategies. A combination of membrane processes with advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), adsorption, and biological treatments can be the right solution for perfect removal. Furthermore, this review briefly compares different procedures for antibiotic removal, which can be helpful for further studies with their advantages and drawbacks.
11. Receptor model-oriented sources and risks evaluation of metals in sediments of an industrial affected riverine system in Bangladesh
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 838, Part 1, 10 September 2022, 156029
Toxic metals in river sediments may represent significant ecological concerns, although there has been limited research on the source-oriented ecological hazards of metals in sediments. Surface sediments from an industrial affected Rupsa River were utilized in this study to conduct a complete investigation of toxic metals with source-specific ecological risk assessment. The findings indicated that the average concentration of Ni, Cr, Cd, Zn, As, Cu, Mn and Pb were 50.60 ± 10.97, 53.41 ± 7.76, 3.25 ± 1.73, 147.76 ± 36.78, 6.41 ± 1.85, 59.78 ± 17.77, 832.43 ± 71.56 and 25.64 ± 7.98 mg/kg, respectively and Cd, Ni, Cu, Pb and Zn concentration were higher than average shale value. Based on sediment quality guidelines, the mean effective range median (ERM) quotient (1.29) and Mean probable effect level (PEL) quotient (2.18) showed medium-high contamination in sediment. Ecological indexes like toxic risk index (20.73), Nemerow integrated risk index (427.59) and potential ecological risk index (610.66) posed very high sediment pollution. The absolute principle component score-multiple linear regression (APCS-MLR) and positive matrix factorization (PMF) model indicated that Zn (64.21%), Cd (51.58%), Cu (67.32%) and Ni (58.49%) in APCS-MLR model whereas Zn (49.5%), Cd (52.7%), Cu (57.4%) and Ni (44.6%) in PMF model were derived from traffic emission, agricultural activities, industrial source and mixed sources. PMF model-based Nemerow integrated risk index (NIRI) reported that industrial emission posed considerable and high risks for 87.27% and 12.72% of sediment samples. This work will provide a model-based guidelines for identifying and assessing metal sources which would be suitable for mitigating future pollution hazards in Riverine sediments in Bangladesh.
12. Alginate industrial waste streams as a promising source of value-added compounds valorization
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 838, Part 3, 10 September 2022, 156394
The alginate industry processes more than hundred thousand tons per year of algae in Europe, discarding around 80% of the algae biomass as different solid/liquid residual streams. In this work, Saccharina latissima and Ascophyllum nodosum, their generated alginates and all residual fractions generated in the process were characterized in terms of lipid, ash, protein content, and the carbohydrate composition and antioxidant capacities analyzed. The first fraction after acid treatment (ca. 50% of the initial dry biomass) was rich in phlorotannins (15 mg GAE/g) and bioactive fucoidans (15–70%), with a high sulfation degree in A. nodosum. Two fractions generated from the solid residue, one soluble and another insoluble (Ra and Rb, respectively), constituted 9% and 5–8% of the initial biomass and showed great potential as a source of soluble protein (30% for S. latissima), and cellulose (70%) or fucoidan, respectively. Valorization strategies are suggested for these waste streams, evidencing their high potential as bioactive, texturizing or nutritional added-value ingredients for cosmetic, food, feed or pharmaceutical applications.
13. Dissolved organic matter within oil and gas associated wastewaters from U.S. unconventional petroleum plays: Comparisons and consequences for disposal and reuse
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 838, Part 3, 10 September 2022, 156331
Wastewater generated during petroleum extraction (produced water) may contain high concentrations of dissolved organics due to their intimate association with organic-rich source rocks, expelled petroleum, and organic additives to fluids used for hydraulic fracturing of unconventional (e.g., shale) reservoirs. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) within produced water represents a challenge for treatment prior to beneficial reuse. High salinities characteristic of produced water, often 10× greater than seawater, coupled to the complex DOM ensemble create analytical obstacles with typical methods. Excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy (EEMS) can rapidly characterize the fluorescent component of DOM with little impact from matrix effects. We applied EEMS to evaluate DOM composition in 18 produced water samples from six North American unconventional petroleum plays. Represented reservoirs include the Eagle Ford Shale (Gulf Coast Basin), Wolfcamp/Cline Shales (Permian Basin), Marcellus Shale and Utica/Point Pleasant (Appalachian Basin), Niobrara Chalk (Denver-Julesburg Basin), and the Bakken Formation (Williston Basin). Results indicate that the relative chromophoric DOM composition in unconventional produced water may distinguish different lithologies, thermal maturity of resource types (e.g., heavy oil vs. dry gas), and fracturing fluid compositions, but is generally insensitive to salinity and DOM concentration. These results are discussed with perspective toward DOM influence on geochemical processes and the potential for targeted organic compound treatment for the reuse of produced water.
14. Renewable adsorbents from the solid residue of sewage sludge hydrothermal liquefaction for wastewater treatment
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 838, Part 3, 10 September 2022, 156418
Solid residue from hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) of nutrient rich feedstock presents a promising source to recover valuable nutrients, such as phosphorus, in the solid form. The present work shows for the first time the potential of utilizing the waste residue remaining after nutrients extraction from HTL of sewage sludge, as renewable adsorbents. A parametric study was undertaken to investigate the influence of chemical activation conditions (temperature, residence time, activation agent loading, washing after activation) on raw and partially demineralized HTL solids. Kinetic and equilibrium adsorption investigation was undertaken for the removal of methylene blue (MB) from aqueous solution. For comparison purposes, a commercial activated charcoal (AC) was used. Demineralization was found to have a significant influence in the adsorption capacity of the resultant adsorbents. Three adsorbents were found to follow the Langmuir adsorption model, while the acid washed demineralized adsorbent had higher adsorption capacity than AC and was found to follow the Freundlich adsorption model. The superior performance of the acid washed demineralized adsorbent was verified from the kinetic study where all adsorbents were found to best fit the pseudo-second order model. Adsorption capacities for MB at equilibrium were 367.1, 332.3, 297.4 and 87.6 mg/g, for acid washed demineralized adsorbent, AC, demineralized adsorbent, and raw adsorbent, respectively. Finally, the most promising adsorbents were assessed for their adsorption capacity to remove pharmaceuticals present in a real wastewater treatment effluent. Results indicated ultimate concentration for all targeted compounds below the detection limits for acid washed demineralized adsorbent, AC and demineralized adsorbent. Future implementation of HTL technology in wastewater treatment facilities, will not only provide an efficient way to valorize sewage sludge into bio-crude and nutrients, but can also enhance technology integration by providing the precursors for renewable adsorbents needed in tertiary treatment of wastewater.
15. Chemical fingerprinting of organic micropollutants in different industrial treated wastewater effluents and their effluent-receiving river
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 838, Part 4, 10 September 2022, 156399
Industry wastewater is considered one of the worst polluters of our precious water ecologies. However, the types of pollutants present in wastewater from industrial wastewater treatment plants (IWTPs) are still unclear. In this study, a simple and effective chemical fingerprinting method for checking the source-sink relationships among different industrial wastewaters and their effluent-receiving river was established. 107, 228, 155, and 337 chemicals were screened out in wastewater from electronics, steel, textile, and printing and dyeing plants, respectively. Chemical fingerprinting of the detected chemicals was performed, and results showed that aromatic compounds were the most prevalent among the pollutant categories (i.e., 56, 189, and 168 in electronics, iron and steel, and printing and dyeing plants, respectively). The traceability analysis of the chemicals selected in the effluent determined the characteristic pollutants of different industrial enterprises. Sixty-eight compounds were identified as the characteristic pollutants in the different process stages of wastewater of the four IWTPs. Of the 84 effluent-receiving river water signature pollutants, 47.6% (n = 40) were also detected in the effluent from the four IWTPs. Effective screening of organic pollutants in industrial wastewater and determining their sources will help accelerate the improvement of industrial wastewater treatment technology.
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